How to update Smart Content when copying content from one PC to another ?

Ok, I've just bought a brand new PC, and I want to copy the contents of my old PC to the new one. The easiest way (and fastest) is to copy the DB directories through network... Especially, I did this way with the "My Data Connect Library". It took a couple of hours however, but it's better than downloading through internet, I might wait a couple of days, or weeks...

But "Smart Content" is not aware of this and all the products in the product tab are greyed. If I want to update a product manually, it downloads again the files, despite the fact that they are already here !

So I was wondering if anybody knows a way to update or sync the DB/Smart content with the local content, so that products that are present are enabled.

I saw options in the Content Library Menu, about maintenance, but I'm not sure of what they do, and I don't want to make a mistake...

Any help would be very appreciated !



  • The actual database is in C:\Users\YOU\AppData\Roaming\Daz 3D\csm\ContentCluster, you can copy that across (with DS, DIM, and Carrara closed on both machines) as long as you haven't made any chnages (new content or saves) on the enw machine (which would be lost).

  • frBanfrBan Posts: 5

    That's exactly what I needed. It works! Thanks a lot.

    I was wondering something about the Content Database Maintenance. It seams that the Reset Database command clears everything, leaving the DB completely empty, while the content files are still physically present. What is the purpose of this command, if we don't have any option to reconstruct the DB, based on local content ?


  • You can reimport metadata to rebuild the database for user files (assuming you exported metadata) and DIM installs, but it doesn't work for Connect installs.

  • Hey Richard! Would it be possible to share the ContentCluster database file? Assuming that I am only updating the Smart Content on one system. Also, does this database also contain Products that I create for 3rd Party stuff? You would need to have the Metadata from the Product to do a good job with the Smart Content.

    ​BTW - I use DIM to update all of the DAZ purchased stuff on both systems separately and share the Library Directories for my 3rd Party & Self Created Stuff.

  • I believe people have set up a shared database where they have their content on a shared folder, so they don't have to import metadata or do fake installs, but it sounds fairly hairy as it would (potentially) need to be able to cope with simultaneous access from both machines - though postgreSQL is a serious database engine so that should be supported in theory.

    Files you save get added to the database, as part of your Local User product (I think that's the name used, anyway).

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