How to mirror a pose from one part of body to opposite side but keep original side as is? (SOLVED)

FrankTheTankFrankTheTank Posts: 1,238

If I have the right collar, right shoulder, right forearm and right hand posed, and I want those poses to be mirrored to the left collar, left shoulder left forearm, left hand but I don't want the right side to change at all, is there any way to do this within Daz with existing tools?

I have pose builder and some of mcasuals scripts, but unless I'm missing something, I can't find any way to do this with any of the scripts I currently have. Although I may have missed it. All the mirror options seem to change the whole body, that is, it will flip the right and left sides, rather than making the poses the same on both sides.

If I can figure this out I will save so much time.

EDIT: nevermind, I figured it out. You just select the nodes that you want to mirror, then go to Edit > Figure > Symmetry... take the defaults, click accept, and it mirrors the selected nodes to the opposite side. I can't believe that option was there all the time.

Post edited by FrankTheTank on
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