My Exports are not saving to my Library - MacBook Pro

I have had a successful install and been saving fine until I realized my 8GB of RAM was not sufficient to allow running multiple 3D rendering programs at the same time. I Uninstalled and re-installed. Since then I have not been able to save .obj or Export to .fbx
The .duf is working fine but the main use I have to export / import avatars into other programs.
I see in my log the area autosaving is in the Icloud.
I see sRGB errors and 54 Errors in my log.
Please advise if you can help.
What happens when you try? Are the formats no longer listed in the File>Export requester? One thing to check is that you hae entered your serial number in DS - the application will run in standard mode without, but I think FBX requires it to be in pro mode; however, OBJ is a basic feature as far as I know so that should not be affected.
Hi Richard,
When I export it allows me to select the format and the format window pops up to set the presets for Maps etc and chose the format size (Daz, Bryce etc)
I click save and It goes away, yet no file is saved in my directory. I have always been able to export FBX so I guess that is pro mode?? Maybe there is some setting I need to adjust if you can explain more. But the only file that saves is .duf and I can't save a new .duf I can only modify and old .duf
I wonder if it did not install properly. How do I re-install with a clean slate?
Also, I have installed other programs like CLO3D and Marvelous Designer as well as Zbrush.
It may just be saving in the wrong place, having lost your previous settings when you reinstalled. Check your main Documents folder. If they aren't there, export something new, and before you hit Save, check to see where exactly it's set to.
Yes, so I noticed the link to content is also not going to the correct location. I used the content manager to find everything in the DAZ3D folder however it doesn't save to the folder and the content looks linked but when I go to import it to a project it tells me there is no data - If I drag the files in from that folder it works fine.
I'm not sure what you mean. Could you post screenshots hsowing the Content Directory Manager (Daz Studio>Prefrences>Content tab>Content Directory manager, expand the Curent Set to show all of the paths).
OK so best I can figure out is somehow my settings when to save all my document files into the CLOUD - probably after the last update (Argh)
SO now nothing is linked and in my attempt to move folders all my content and saving abilities are WACKED!!! Try to follow below:
1- When I look at smart content everything "looks" like it is placed and accessible then I try to pull it is I get an error message that it does not exist
2- If I drag and drop - that works
3-If I go to browse file - it is going to the folder where the file is (when I drag and drop that works)
4- Project saves only as .duf - Export to folder does not work - nothing shows up and the file is named after the folder, not the name I type in.
All my pop-ups actions (save, browse, content link, export etc) come in behind the main screen and not in front of the screen
I have installed and uninstalled 3 times only the first install worked.
Here is a photo of the Content Managet directories
There are a couple of issues there - first, you don't have the default Install Manager path (My Daz 3d Library in the shared docuemnts folder) set, though I'm taking the post with fewer images first so peraps you aren't using that. More seriously you have different levels selected - Daz 3D/Studio/My Library and Daz 3D/Studio/My Daz Connect Library (which isn't needed) under daz Studio Formats but the parent folder (Daz 3D/Studio) under Poser Formats: you need to make the Poser Formats folder match the DS Formats folder, Daz 3D/Studio/My library, or DS may get confused when saving files.
Nothing should be placed in the cloud folder except by Connect when it installs content. I'm really not sure what you are saying here, but if you mean that is the folder DS is starting in for saves the solution is to navigate to another folder - then DS should use that as the starting location for the next save of that file type (it does track the last used folder separately for different types).
Yes, that is odd, and I'm not sure why it happens. Unfortunately your screen shot showing that the file exists doesn't show where it exists (though I do find the Mac browser window hard to parse).
The folder listed in the save dialogues is not the folder shown in your screen shots.
Is Window>Always On Top checked?
Hi Richards!!!
Fixed window pop up issue - check -now unchecked
1- where is the save dialog
2-the export file does not exist anywhere - it allows the actions but the actual data does not show up anywhere when searched. What should the save dialog point to . where do I edit it
3- Content files - there are so many folders tht say DAZ 3D it is hard to map the contnet
the postgesSQL was incomplete I just fixed that
Good grief Charlie Brown - the PostgreSQL fixed the export Issue!! Please tell me more acout the content directory. I think that is the last issue however it is pulling in the content IDK.
Do you use Daz Install Manager to install content?