Make an expression to a dial

Is there a way to take an expression that has no dial and make a dial for it so I can use it only for 30% for example? I need this for G3F mostly.


  • With the expression set and the figure otherwise zeroed.

    1. Right-click in the Parameters pane and check Edit Mode, if it isn't
    2. Right-click in the group you want to add the expression to and select Create New Property
    3. Check that the path is correct, enter a name and label, probably set the minimum value to 0 (unless you want to use the expression at negative vlaues), and click Accept
    4. Set the new property to 100%
    5. Right-click on the new property and select ERC Freeze
    6. Check that all and only the extressions settings used are listed as sub-components, if they are click Accept
    7. Test your new slider, if it works File>Save As>Support Assets>Morph Asset.
    8. Make sure that the content directory listed at the top of the dialogue isn't the Connect directory, and ideally that it is one you back-up. Enter Author and Product names (these are used for folder names within the Data\...\Morphs folder), and click Accept
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