Bug, feature, or me being daft?

I did a render that a friend liked, and for once I had saved the scene. Which was useful as he wanted a small change. So I loaded the scene, removed a weapon, replacing it with another and hit render ... then it all went very, very weird on me: the lighting went kabloooie! I messed about for ages, trying this, trying that, messing with render settings in case there was something not being save dor restored correctly. Nothing. Zip, nada, zilch made any real difference - despite getting some lighting that I preferred Sadly my friend liked the original state of lighting, so ...
Then I did something 'stupid' and re-loaded the oriognal saved scene and just rendered that. And things went back to how they were. I hid the weapon and rendered and it all wnet very 'wrong' again. The weapon in question is the Haze Tool from the Adventurer's Toy Box. Apart from being quite a nice little weapon/tool, the item also adds some lighting by Emissive shaders. And this is what confuses the living heck out of me. If I have the weapon visible I get one result, hide it (or delete it from scene) and th elighting gets brighter. Remove light source(s) and lighting gets brighter. See below - both renders are done withion half an dhour or sop, with DS nbeing left open an the only chnage being to hide the weapon. Top half is the version without the weapon visible, bototm half is with.
Does anyone have any explantion?

Is the emissive lighting negative in strength?
Intesrting thought - fairrly sure I did not notice that when I looked but wil check when current render is done.