again "an error occurred while reading the file...."

Hello, I am a new user of DAZ 3d.
Perhaps my problem will be trivial to you, but I can not deal with it myself.
I installed DAZ4.10 and also Genesis 8. I tried to open the file ".duf" from "Growing Up for Genesis 8":
but I can not open any, because I get the message: "an error occurred while reading the file, see the log file for more details ".
What could be the cause of this problem? Is it normal? Should I install something to upload files from "Growing Up for Genesis 8" into some directory?

I will be grateful for any help, thank you in advance.


  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    It is a preset, you have to the figure it was made for loaded and selecting in the Scene pane.

  • InkuboInkubo Posts: 745

    jestmart's answer was absolutely correct, but just in case it wasn't clear: that error message is the one you typically get if you haven't selected the correct item in the Scene tab.

    When you double-click a preset that's supposed to apply to one particular item--but something else or nothing at all is selected in the Scene tab--DAZ won't be able to load and apply the preset properly.

    In your case, I don't have the product, but my guess is you need to select a Genesis 8 character in the scene before attempting to apply any of those Growing Up presets.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Inkubo's correct. You need to select a Genesis 8 male (for the male preset) or female (for the female preset) character before you double click on the preset.

  • ok, thank you, I understand, but I still have a problem because I can not see anything in the "scene" on the left.
    Maybe I'll start again. I have the "Growing Up for Genesis 8 Male (s)" directory. I still have the "Content" directory and the "Manifest.dsx" and "Supplement.dsx" files in it.
    In the "content" directory, I still have the "data", "people" and "runtime" directories, etc.
    does this mean that all these files and directories have to be put in the right places in the "My Daz Connect Library" or "My DAZ 3D Library" directory?
    I'm sorry if my questions are annoying, but I can not find answers anywhere.

    thank you again in advance for your help.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited February 2018

    You might have mentioned that you installed manually... Yes, your file still have to go into their respective places.

    Check out this post, it's for 3rd party content but work the same as for DAZ Content:

    Also... Please allow that question... but you just have that single file downloaded? No Genesis 8 starter pack and stuff? Just wondering, you know, as you apparently don't have anything loaded. I'd recommend using the DAZ install manager, but of course that is up to you.

    As for the scene file, I don't know what layout you are using, but there should be a tab called "scene". Click on that and it shows you all items you have in your scene.

    If you don't have it, go to the top listings, look for "windows" and Panes. It's listed in there. When you have loaded your Genesis 8 chacracter, select it there.

    866 x 1020 - 106K
    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • TomDowdTomDowd Posts: 199
    KakaWuwu said:

    ok, thank you, I understand, but I still have a problem because I can not see anything in the "scene" on the left.
    Maybe I'll start again. I have the "Growing Up for Genesis 8 Male (s)" directory. I still have the "Content" directory and the "Manifest.dsx" and "Supplement.dsx" files in it.
    In the "content" directory, I still have the "data", "people" and "runtime" directories, etc.
    does this mean that all these files and directories have to be put in the right places in the "My Daz Connect Library" or "My DAZ 3D Library" directory?
    I'm sorry if my questions are annoying, but I can not find answers anywhere.

    thank you again in advance for your help.

    Within your Library, anything in a Content folder needs to be moved up to the same level as the Content folder. As there should never be a Content folder you can then delete it.

  • Thank you again for all the responses and links sent. It seems to me that I understand more or less what the problem is, but I can not solve the basic problem with catalogs ....

    A few days ago I installed Genesis 8 (from the DAZ 3d program), but in the folder "people" I do not see the "Genesis 8 female / male" directory (below I attach a screenshot from the contents of this folder - picture No. 2) - there are only directories "Genesis", " Genesis 2 "and" Genesis 3 ". However, I found the "Genesis 8" folder only in the cloud folder (picture below, No. 3 and No. 4).

    My question is - should be the "Genesis 8" folder installed in the same directory, where is "Genesis 2" and "Genesis 3" (picture below # 2)?
    Should I then insert the relevant "Growing Up for Genesis 8 Female (s)" and "Growing Up for Genesis 8 Male (s)" catalogs into the "Genesis 8" catalog (but not to the cloud folder)?

    I also checked the library paths in the DAZ program (below the attachment - picture No. 1).

    To be sure, I installed today using the Install Menager "Genesis 8 Female / Male Starter Essentials" and Tempaltes (the attachment below - picture 5), but nothing in these catalogs has changed ...

    I hope you will have enough patience to help me ....


    678 x 576 - 56K
  • I see that my second post with all attachments has not been published yet ....
      In any case, in the meantime, I moved all the files regarding "Genesis 8" from the "cloud" folder to the root folder (where there is "Genesis 2" and "Genesis 3") and I also pasted there all from  "Growing" up Female / Male" folder and it seems that everything works now.
    In any case, thank you all for your help and valuable tips.

    Cheers !

  • Your post was there.

    If you sntall with Connect then the location in the cloud folder is correct - you will be able to find the files in the Content Library under Daz Studio Formats>Daz Connect>People...etc. (assuming there are user-facing files at all). Moving files manually is not a good diea as there is a risk of causing breakages now and causing issues if the product is updated.

  • Richard Haseltine -, thanks for the advice ! I left a copy of these files in the cloud folder if necessary.

  • Richard Haseltine -, thanks for the advice ! I left a copy of these files in the cloud folder if necessary.

    I have one more question.
    If I leave all files related to "genesis 8" and the folder "cloud", do I also copy all files "growing up to Genesis 8" to the same folder in "cloud"?

    thank you again in advance for your help

  • Cloud is for the content you install with Connect (using the isntall options inside Daz Studio). You should not do anything to those files manually, nor add anything to the folder yourself.

  • macleanmaclean Posts: 2,438

    On a side note, I reported that message to the bug tracker as being unclear to users. In older versions of DS, the message used to say something like 'You must select a figure/prop before applying a preset'. The 'error occurred' message is unnecessarily cryptic. It's just as easy to tell the user what the error is.

  • visunicvisunic Posts: 0

    Thanks to everyone posting their solutions, I got this working. Because we are nubies, sometimes is hard to understand how this should work in DAZ. Basically, you need to select your hero first then by double-clicking on the pose you apply a rig to it.

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