"Error During Render!" But renders fine in viewport??

When rendering a single G8 figure scene in IRAY it suddenly gives me this pop up. I tried changing res of render but it didnt help. everytime it gives me this pop up i have to restart Daz 3d to retry and start another render because it'll say that the renderer is in use if i try to hit the render button again. And I am unable to click anything in the viewport after it gives me this error. in fact if i try to change camera view in the view port it'll turn the view port totally white/blank. Thus it requires me to restart my daz. The weird thing is if i set the view port from "texture shaded" to "IRay" Iray renders propaerly in the viewport, but it wont render when i hit the render button.

So then i try to render a totally different scene in Iray and it seems fine. just a single male figure in daz. There are no issues. I cant figure out what the issue here is.


  • The Iray preview mode doesn't use the same settings and options as the full render (it uses the options from the Draw Settings pane, probably set to Interactive mode by default). Which exact version of DS is this (Help>About Daz Studio), are you using CPU or video card (Render Settings pane>Advanced tab), and what are your system specs.

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