Creating a shape / morph target from character???

Hi All,
I purchased a Gen 3 character here who head shape I like but the body does not suit my needs. It looks like the creator of the content only released a single full body shape found under "actor/people" on the parameter and shaping tabs but does not have seperate morphs for the head and body. Most of the content I have purchsed from this author is like this. I am fairly new to all this so I am stuck on exactly how to create a new morph target of just the head or just the body to give me more control on stylizing my characters. How do I accomplish this?
Your help is appreciated!!
In princciple you can export the figure, with the shape applied butn otherwise zeroed, as OBJ. Create a dForm, add a weight map, and edit the weight map to give the areas you want to morph fulle weight, the areas you want left untouched zero weight, and a transition between them (how much and where will dpend on how much the neck shape is changed from default), then bring the exported morph in as a new morph via Morph Loader Pro and select the dForm's weight map to attenuate it. The Genesis 8 figues already have a suitable dForm, though it may need editing. This technique does have limits, for example:
That is exactly what I needed to know. It looks like it is not going to work based upon the things you mentioned in the bullets. But it seems a little beyond my reach anyway at this point. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply!