There's no "fit ___ to" option

I buy recently. Why there's no "Fit ___ to" option when i lef click the clothing to fit to V.2 character. Somebody help me please
*Image removed for nudity*
Post edited by DAZ_ann0314 on
it is a prop not a figure
possibly meant for Poser dynamics
you can probably use dforce instead
what's a dforce?
Reading The Product Info Says: ( You are trying to fit it to a V.2 Figure? What is a V.2 Figure ? Do you mean Victoria Genesis2? )
List of compatible figures:
* Genesis 2 Female
* Victoria 4
* Genesis
* Genesis 3 Female
* Dawn
I'm trying to fit V.2 figure, I thought V4 figure is the same as V.2 figure
it is V4 according to the image and the OP is using the Poser formats so so far all good
except it is a prop
to the OP dforce is DAZ's new answer to Poser's cloth room there are many threads on it
this might get you started as it says
I'm trying to fit clothing to this character, that's all i need to do
yes it is a Poser dynamic cloth item
made for the software Poser not DAZ studio
read up about dforce and use that
To try and clear up some of the confusion, there are a few naming conventions that should be understood.
1. There is no V.2 figure. There is a V 4.2 figure, however, which is short for Victoria 4.2, which was the last version of that figure released.
2. The terms Figure and Character are not the same thing. A Figure would be a base figure, such as Victoria 4.2, Genesis, Genesis 2 Female, etc. A Character would be a character morph of a base figure used to create the look of a unique individual, usually referred to as "Character Name for Victoria 4", for example. Mixing up the two terms can cause confusion.
3. As th3Digit has said, the built-in "fit to" option found in DAZ Studio only works with clothing and other items that are created to follow the rigging of specific figures. Fit to does not work with simple props or dynamic items that do not contain such rigging information..
4. Any clothing or other item that uses the term "Dynamic" in its description is designed to be draped to fit the target figure (in the case of the Poncho, Victoria 4.2). Draping is done through the use of a special engine or plugin that simulates the effect of gravity on the item. Such capability is builtin to both Poser and DAZ Studio, but using different software. In DAZ Studio it is referred to as dForce as th3Digit has said. You will need to do some reading to learn how to use it.
5. Most clothing (so far) tends to be designed for a specific figure (i.e. V 4.2) and is Conforming, rather than Dynamic. This, simply put, means that the clothing will automatically conform to the selected figure when loaded into a scene. The Fit-to utility can sometimes be used to fit clothing designed for one figure to another with varying degrees of success.