Problem importing/exporting scenes and editing them in DS

Long time Poser user, but not so much DS. So I fixed my figure exactly how I wanted it and saved the scene. Then I created a separate scene of the set i wanted (some buildings) which had the lights, camera, etc. I didn’t want to work on the figure with the environment, because I new it would take way to long to move around the scene and make the file way bigger.

So I opened the scene and imported the figure scene. There are two problems I found.

One is that it loaded the figure in a zero (which I kind of figured, but didn’t think through). The scene was huge so I had to really move it to get it placed. The other thing that was odd, is I couldn’t use the translate numbers (like change x or z) to move the figure. I tried moving it, and it just moved around the camera view. Eventually I thought to look at top view and I dragged the figure using the actual transfer arrows. Same with rotating.

Second problem was I needed to change some things on the figure, but loading up for instance a different skin, did nothing.

I’m assuming the translate and rotate numbers are actually the same problem as changing textures, etc, it doesn’t seem to let you edit it.

So my question is, is there a better way to export/import? And is there a way to “unlock” it or whatever to edit what I already have done?

I’m wondering if I should have exported the figure into the content directory (if so, I’m not sure how), though I’m not sure you can edit that either? I’d love to be able to create figures and then use them in other projects.



  • A quick way to place the figure is to select an item that is in view, and roughly where you want the figure, then select the figure, and use the Align pane to - for example - align centres for X and Z and bases for Y (which should place it in the middle of the target item with its feet on the ground, assuming the target item is on the ground).

    As for the sliders and materials - are you sure you had the figure selected and not soemthing else from the saved scene?

  • I will try that, but I think that everything in the set is grouped as one.

    Haven't the same problem now in a scene once I loaded a new set (from the content library). I realized the camera moved instead when I was viewing through that camera rather than perspective, but when I went back to perspective, it still had the same issue - the translate numbers do not move genesis 8. Haven't  tried to edit her yet, but it's like whatever I'm adding takes over the scene.

  • Hmm, wondering if it could be a glitch. Just for the heck of it I made the set hidden and then tried  moving her, and it worked. So I made it visible again, and I am still able to move her. Will test the other scene with the imported file later.

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