I want to re-install DAZ 3D 4.6 and all my content...

leo04leo04 Posts: 342
edited December 1969 in Technical Help (nuts n bolts)

I want to reinstall DAZ 3D and all my content. My question is how do I go about doing it.

When I began I was just looking to use the DAZ I just installed it and some other content and used the instructions to add it to the Library.

Can I unload everything and use the DAZ Installer to reinstall everything?

Has anyone ever done this before? How does it work? Does it work? I have had no trouble using it.

Would appreciate any help on this anyone can give me.



  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613
    edited December 1969

    The DAZ3D Install Manager won't install the DS application itself, but has almost everything else now. Make sure the install location matches the one in DS -- the default used by DIM is different from the old DS default location. I don't know if DS4.6 uses the new location, as I did an upgrade so it kept my old settings.

  • JaderailJaderail Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    It does not I was told, so setting the paths in DS or the DIM is needed. I just did a Full clean install not long ago. I left the DIM to the new default as it is recommended for better function and just Pointed my DS to that path. Was easy to do.

    Remember for a FULL clean install the Hidden Win7 folder AppData should be cleared of any and all DAZ 3D 4 folders (only do this after uninstalls). Also the CMS uninstalled and all folders deleted.

  • leo04leo04 Posts: 342
    edited December 1969

    Jaderail said:
    It does not I was told, so setting the paths in DS or the DIM is needed. I just did a Full clean install not long ago. I left the DIM to the new default as it is recommended for better function and just Pointed my DS to that path. Was easy to do.

    Remember for a FULL clean install the Hidden Win7 folder AppData should be cleared of any and all DAZ 3D 4 folders (only do this after uninstalls). Also the CMS uninstalled and all folders deleted.

    What about Windows 8?

  • leo04leo04 Posts: 342

    Seems I am back here again. I am left with the delema of installation but Installation Manager or Connect.

    Which is the better way to go here?

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    Daz Install Manager. 

  • Jaderail said:

    I left the DIM to the new default as it is recommended for better function 

    Is there a link to hard data on this? I prefer not to put anything on C:\ except Windows.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878
    Jaderail said:

    I left the DIM to the new default as it is recommended for better function 

    Is there a link to hard data on this? I prefer not to put anything on C:\ except Windows.

    I would never have DIM install Gigabytes of content to my C drive SSD. It would overflow in no time. I have DIM install my content on an internal HDD. It works fine.

  • leo04leo04 Posts: 342
    edited December 2017

    So your saying not to use the Connect install function? Only DIM?

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878
    edited December 2017
    leo04 said:

    So your saying not to use the Connect install function? Only DIM?

    Yes. That is my recommendation, based on numerous problems I have had with Daz Connect. I have used Daz Connect for almost everything, because I like the graphical interface and integration with Daz Studio. However, I have lived to regret it. I often think of uninstalling everything and starting over with DIM. But I keep thinking Daz will fix the Daz Connect bugs. For the most part, they have not. These are some of the Daz Connect design limitations and some of the bugs/issues I have reported and still suffer from:

    1. Many script products do not work when installed with Daz Connect. You have to use DIM or manual install for them. Many are still offered with Daz Connect installers that do not allow the product to function. It is up to you to figure out that Daz Connect installation is the problem and then uninstall and reinstall some other way.
    2. When a product is updated to change the paths of the files, Daz Connect update does not delete the old incorrect files, it just adds the new files. Now you have duplicate files showing up. This is a mess and very confusing. (This happens a lot with PC+ products, because they are often released with wrong file paths).
    3. Sometimes DIM gets product updates that never show up in Daz Connect. Recently this happened with the Growing Up products that Zev0 updated to add clothing support morphs to. I finally gave up and uninstalled them with Daz Connect and installed with DIM.
    4. Sometimes Daz Connect gets updates, but the file content is not updated the same way the DIM is updated. Recently several products were updated to add support for Genesis 8 to the existing Genesis 3 support. DIM got the new content files. Daz Connect only got the name change and no new content files.
    5. Sometimes (rarely) Daz Connect updates have corrupted files.Then the product cannot be used. This happened recently with the Old Country Farmhouse. I'm still working with Customer Service to resolve this issue. The DIM version is fine. I may have to give up and just install that. But I keep trying to get Daz to fix the Daz Connect issues.
    6. If you ever have to reset your database, because it gets corrupted, restoring metadata will not work to make Daz Connect remember what you had installed. Every product will show up as uninstalled (available) even though the files are all on your computer in the right place. Restoring metadata does work for DIM installed products.
    7. Daz Connect cannot install generation 4 figures (Victoria 4, Michael 4, etc.) So if you want to use them, you have to set up DIM anyway, or manually install, if that is available.
    8. I started using Daz Connect when we were told that Daz would start releasing products in an encrypted form and only Daz Connect would be able to install them. Daz has not released an encrypted product for about a year, I think. So, is Daz Connect really necessary for anything anymore? Won't DIM work just fine for everything, including the things that Daz Connect cannot install? 
    9. Daz Connect cannot install plugin products. 
    10. Daz Connect cannot update Daz Studio.

    If I were starting over today, I'd use DIM.

    Post edited by Chohole on
  • leo04leo04 Posts: 342
    edited December 2017

    Thank you for the information. I tend to agree that DIM is a better way to go, however I still find that until I go back an install with Connect the asset did not install or it can't be found.

    Have you found this to be true?


    Oops. I just re-read your reply and I think I found the answer in Point #6.

    Post edited by leo04 on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    I've never had an asset that I installed with DIM not show up in the Daz Studio Content Library. It is very important to be sure that the library that DIM is installing your content into, is mapped as a library to be used in Daz Studio. You do that in Daz Studio with the Content Directory Manager. You want to map the library for both Daz Studio Formats and Poser Formats generally. If you don't do this, none of your DIM content will show up as installed. Is this your problem, do you think?

    You don't want to install the same product with both DIM and Daz Connect. That will duplicate the files on your computer and waste Gigabytes of disk space. If a product is installed with both DIM and Daz Connect, the Daz Connect version will be used. So if you have a problem with a product installed with Daz Connect, it is not good enough to just install with DIM. You must uninstall that product with Daz Connect first.

  • barbult said:
    Jaderail said:

    I left the DIM to the new default as it is recommended for better function 

    Is there a link to hard data on this? I prefer not to put anything on C:\ except Windows.

    I would never have DIM install Gigabytes of content to my C drive SSD. It would overflow in no time. I have DIM install my content on an internal HDD. It works fine.

    I often see this "install to C, it's better that way" being preached as gospel, but never with any hard evidence to support that claim. FXPansion was the only company that bothered to give details with regards to their BFD program. Content can be anywhere (and runs better when it's not on the same drive as the main program), but the program itself does function better when it's on C:\. I had it on a physically separate internal 500GB drive (F:\) and the content on another physically separate internal 500GB drive (G:\), and it ran great until I tried to render the tracks, and the cymbals came out with gaps in the sustain. Reinstalled to C:\ and that problem went away.

    However, I'm not seeing any hard data that DS runs better, renders faster, or anything else to convince me to install it on C:\.


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878
    barbult said:
    Jaderail said:

    I left the DIM to the new default as it is recommended for better function 

    Is there a link to hard data on this? I prefer not to put anything on C:\ except Windows.

    I would never have DIM install Gigabytes of content to my C drive SSD. It would overflow in no time. I have DIM install my content on an internal HDD. It works fine.

    I often see this "install to C, it's better that way" being preached as gospel, but never with any hard evidence to support that claim. FXPansion was the only company that bothered to give details with regards to their BFD program. Content can be anywhere (and runs better when it's not on the same drive as the main program), but the program itself does function better when it's on C:\. I had it on a physically separate internal 500GB drive (F:\) and the content on another physically separate internal 500GB drive (G:\), and it ran great until I tried to render the tracks, and the cymbals came out with gaps in the sustain. Reinstalled to C:\ and that problem went away.

    However, I'm not seeing any hard data that DS runs better, renders faster, or anything else to convince me to install it on C:\.


    I have the Daz Studio program installed on C, but not any of the content files.

  • leo04leo04 Posts: 342
    edited January 2018

    Using the Install Manager, I have decided to install on my :"D:\drive"; The path I have selected is D:/Users/Public/documents/My DAZ 3D Library/....this path is the same as the default only on the "D:\" drive.

    I now have a question, for Content Updates there are two options. Install to Respective "Installed" Paths. and Intall to Selected Path.


    What is the difference between these two options and why is one better than the other, if it is?



    P.S.  Just thinking, is there a tutorial anywhere that would explain, in detail, the use of Install Manager?



    Post edited by leo04 on
  • leo04 said:

    Using the Install Manager, I have decided to install on my :"D:\drive"; The path I have selected is D:/Users/Public/documents/My DAZ 3D Library/....this path is the same as the default only on the "D:\" drive.

    I now have a question, for Content Updates there are two options. Install to Respective "Installed" Paths. and Intall to Selected Path.


    What is the difference between these two options and why is one better than the other, if it is?



    P.S.  Just thinking, is there a tutorial anywhere that would explain, in detail, the use of Install Manager?

    Install to respective isntalled paths isntalls any updates to the content directory that the item was first isntalled to, Install to selected Path isntalls to the current install folder even if that is not the same as the oen used for the product's initial install - which is useful if you have moved your content.

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,878

    Here is a link to the Install Manager documentation.

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