The best way to install content?

I upgraded my pc with a new hard drive, so now I'm wondering what's the best way to re-install content? Is it better to use Install Manger, or the Smart Tab in daz studio? The two facilities don't seem to work together: I used the Smart Tab to install a character and Install Manager doesn't recognize that installation, meaning I could end up installing a product twice?
If you click the Download Filters in Install Manager and scroll to the end you can uncheck Connect Installed, which will hide items that have been isntalled with Connect. You can also uncheck Connect Available, which will hide anything that can be installed with Connect.
Connect is better, I think, if you havea slow/metered connection as you don't need to redownload the whole package for an update. For the rest, it's a bit harder to say which is best - it depends on your priorities.
Thanks for that. I'm thinking I'll use Connect for people, hair and wardrobe items and use IM for everything else.
Just looking through here for some similar information. One thing that I'm trying to do is install stuff elsewhere than on my C drive because of space considerations. I have read several things here and there, but it still looks as though stuff is going into my C drive, which is not workable for me, having a Big-@ss E drive.
Long time Poser user just recently really getting into Studio and finding I really like it. Who can point me to some step-by-step stuff? Thank you in advance!