Manual Installation Instructions

jtdekoningjtdekoning Posts: 145
edited January 2018 in New Users

I have a couple of products that I can't seem to get to install with DIM (Forgotten Refuge), or that I have downloaded from other places (sfman's Urban Streets of Tomorrow). Can someone give some instructions on how to do a manual installation of a product, or at least post a link to some general instructions?

Thank you.

Post edited by jtdekoning on


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    If you move this thread over to the New Users forum  there are several there who can talk you through this.

    You move a thread by clicking on the Gear Icon in your first post, then click on edit and on the left hand side you have a drop down box for Categories,

  • Chohole said:

    If you move this thread over to the New Users forum  there are several there who can talk you through this.

    You move a thread by clicking on the Gear Icon in your first post, then click on edit and on the left hand side you have a drop down box for Categories,

    Done and done. Thanks
  • maikdeckermaikdecker Posts: 2,990

    That stuff usually comes in .zip/.rar format, meaning it is compressed. So You need a prgram to decompress those files. Usually Winzip or Winrar are used for that, which are afaik available as free-/shareware.

    After installing the proper decompress program, it's a doubleclick on the (DAZ) file file You want to install to uncompress it.

    Usually You then have a directory structure that looks close to that of your MyLibrary directory. All that's left is to copy - drag&drop anybody? - the directories/files to their proper counterparts in the MyLibrary directory/-ies.

    I would bet, there's some U-tube lecture available for this, too wink

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