Transfer Utility not listing the figure in the scene

I have some clothes I made that I'd like to transfer the rigging to for Akio 3, but they aren't coming up in the transfer utility. i have all my unriged clothes, Akio is missing. Can someone help



  • The Transfer Utility supports only weight-mapped rigging. Aiko 3 uses legacy/parametric rigging. If the clothes are made to fit Aiko 3 and have the correct bone groups applied to the mesh you would use the Figure Setup pane:

    1. Load and select Aiko 3
    2. Open the Figure setup pane (Window>Panes(Tabs)>Figure Setup)
    3. Click the option menu button, or right-click the tab, and select Copy From Selected Figure
    4. Right-click in the Geometry List and select Add Geometry, then import your OBJ
    5. Drag the entry for the OBJ onto the geometry entry in the Relationships area.
    6. Remove any unneeded bones, leaving a child with no geometry after the last bone with outfit geometry - all done by right-click
    7. Change the figure name and label at the top of the Relationships tree
    8. Check the Modify Selected Figure box at bottom right, then the Create button at bottom right to get the basic figure.
    9. You will now need to use the Joint Editor tool to adjust the bend angles and falloffs - don't touch the centre/end points.


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