Weird pattern on Morphing Pantyhose

I keep getting this weird pattern with Morphing Pantyhose. It is not in the bump or displacement maps. Suggestions?




Morphing Pantyhose error.jpg
838 x 1031 - 158K


  • Normal map?

  • Thanks for writing back. Normal map is empty (choose map).

  • Found the problem. There is a bump map with tiny variations in the middle grey. It was not apparent when I first looked at the bump map. Even zoomed to 800% the differences were not apparent until i narrowed the exposure window dramatically. The grey difference was 104 to 103 out of 256. As subtle as they come. Surprising that such a tiny difference led to such deep appearing artifacts.

    Thanks again,


  • OK this makes more sense. The bump setting was 20. Went through the various materials. Most have the bump setting at 20. I tested this by setting it down to 1 and applying a new material. Most reset it to 20, way too high. Could my installation be messed up? Hmm.

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