Using D-Former to dial in a morph?

I found that the D-Former is a great, intuitive tool.

Unfortunately it seems that it can only be used for scaling, rotation and translation.

I would like to dial in morphs that way. This way I could perfectly apply morphs only partially.

Is this possible, or what would be an alternative solution?

Thank you!


  • it is, if your dForm uses a weight map, but it's a bit roundabout (especially if there are any corrective morphs). Export the full moprhs as OBJ (and any corective morphs separately), then use Moprh Loader Pro to bring the morphs back in (using the same preset) and under Attenuation select the dForm's weight map. Once you have the morph and any corrections (that affect the areas you want changed) you will need to rebuild the ERC links. Tedious, but doabole.

  • Thank you very much!

  • I'm unable to spawn a D-Former without any scale / rotation / translation change.

    Is that a problem?

    Should I not spawn the D-Former and simply leave it where it us when I bring the morph back in?

  • Where is "Attenuation" located in the Morph Loader Pro, please?

    I don't find it.

  • Ok, I found it. I need to right-click my morph, then enable "Edit", then do the ERC freeze with attenuation.

    There's no way to do that right in the Morph Loader Pro, is it?

  • Ok, I found it. I need to right-click my morph, then enable "Edit", then do the ERC freeze with attenuation.

    There's no way to do that right in the Morph Loader Pro, is it?

    Yes, click the triangle next to the morph file name to get the options - attenuate is at the bottom. The attenuate in EC Freeze is different, that's adding a second controller that is needed for the linked prperties to be affected.

  • Sorry, I just don't see it. Would you mind posting a screenshot? Perhaps I'm looking at completely the wrong place.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,908
    edited January 2018

    Have you actually selected the OBJ file(s) for import in Morph Loader Pro?

    Attenuate in MLP.JPG
    474 x 452 - 42K
    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Ah, ok, thank you. :-))

    When I select "Attenuate By"->"Weight Maps"->"Bones", I don't see my D-Former.

    Do I need to spawn my D-Former first?



  • Did you actually give your dForm a weight map? If it's using the field to set the influence then you didn't, switch to the node Weight Map Brush tool with the dForm selected then in the Tool Settings pane you should see Influence Weights on the Available maps button - click Add map and that will give a weight map matching the effect of the field. You will then see dForms as an option underneath the Bones sub-menu in the Attenuate by menu..

  • Thank you, I'll try that.

  • Do you think you might tell me exactely how that would look like?

    I did find everything, just not the the "Bones" submenu in the "Attenuate By" menu.

    Also, I don't have to spawn the morph (using the button "Spawn morph" in the D-Former pane), right?

  • ps: I try to do it after importing the morph, I find that easier. This way I can better test things out.

  • edited February 2018

    Is this ok, or do you see any weird flaws?

    I'm asking because it doesn't seem to work.

    It still influences the entire body although I have put the sphere on the head only.

    364 x 593 - 111K
    Post edited by johann.hesters_2e9dd0ece9 on
  • And this is what the D-Former field looks like:


    441 x 661 - 103K
  • edited February 2018


    Post edited by johann.hesters_2e9dd0ece9 on
  • I've now tried it in the Morph Loader Pro dialog, and it worked.


    But unfortunately setting it later (using my approach shown above) doesn't work.

    Is that how it's designed, or am I making a mistake here?

    If I have to set it right in Morph Loader Pro, it would mean lots and lots of trying and having to import the obj again and again. That would be extremely time consuming.

    Being able to do it later with ERC freeze would be so good.

    If anybody sees what I might be doing wrong, please tell me.

    Thank you.



  • Do you think you might tell me exactely how that would look like?

    I did find everything, just not the the "Bones" submenu in the "Attenuate By" menu.

    Also, I don't have to spawn the morph (using the button "Spawn morph" in the D-Former pane), right?

    No, the dForm doesn't need to do anything - its sole gfunction is to provide a weight map.

    Is this ok, or do you see any weird flaws?

    I'm asking because it doesn't seem to work.

    It still influences the entire body although I have put the sphere on the head only.

    You need a map, not the field. Select the dForm, switch to the |Node Weight map brush, in the Tool Settings pane click Add next to the button reading Influence Weights. That will give a weight map that matches the field, you may need tor efine it or it may be just what you want. You will then be able to select that weight map in Morph Loader Pro.

  • Using it in Morph Loader Pro does work.

    However, I would like to be able to apply it to an existing morph.

    In other words: I would use the Morph Loader Pro without the weight map and do it later with ERC freeze.

    Is that somehow possible?

  • This isn't right, is it?

    566 x 546 - 40K
  • You can remove vertices from the effect of a morph, but that's all or nothing, it can't handle gradations or soft transitions. For that you would have to export as OBJ and load as a new morph (or update the existing morph) with attenuation.

  • edited February 2018

    It all boils down to this:

    This works fine:

    But the settings below don't work. The entire body is morphed although the D-Former's weightmap only covers the head.

    What am I doing wrong here?

    I couldn't select the weight map here, so I chose "Influence Mode" instead. But I don't think that's correct.

    Thank you for the help.

    Post edited by johann.hesters_2e9dd0ece9 on
  • I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you were trying to do with ERC Freeze. Those are two diferent kinds of attenuation - the one in Morph Loader Pro is controlling which vertices of a mesh (of those that are potentially changed) will be affected by a morph; the one in ERC Freeze is used to fade the strength of one property's links to other properties in proportion to a third property - a way to limit the situations in which the controller will have an effect on the controlled properties, not a way to modify the controller itself and not a way to affect only certain areas.

  • Ok, thank you for the information!

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