Spawning D-Former doesn't create a morph


I've created a D-Former on Genesis 2 Female which seemingly worked fine.

First I dialed in a morph on the head.

Then I created a new D-Former on Genesis 2 Female.

I've scaled the field so that it occupies the head, and I dragged the base into the head.

I've tested the D-Former by selecting Genesis 2 Female->D-Former_1_Base->D-Former-1, then going to Parameters->Transforms->Scale and dialing it up. The head became bigger, so it worked fine.

Now I want to spawn the D-Former.

Therefore I go to Windows->Tabs->D-Former.

I click "Genesis 2 Female" in the scene view.

I check the options "Create Root Control Parameter", "Delete Applied D-Former(s)" and "Apply Spawned Morph".

Then I click "Spawn Morph...".

DAZ tells me "The D-Former "D-Former_1" still affects some nodes. Do you want to delete it anyway?".

I select "Yes".

The D-Former is now gone, and I try to locate in in the Parameters tab. But it's nowhere to be found.

What am I doing wrong?


Thank you!


  • Hmmm, just when I posted it, it DID work while all the time it didn't. So strange.

    The morph is to be found under "Parameters->Morphs".

    I'll leave the posting here anyways in case somebody else every gets stuck.

  • I found the culprit.

    All the time I tried it without changing anything in

        Genesis 2 Female->D-Former_1_Base->D-Former-1, then going to Parameters->Transforms->

    I did that because I simply wanted to dial in a morph but not change the size or translation or rotation or anything.

    It seems that if I don't change anything here, the morph is simply not created.

    Good to know.

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