Welding Daz Clothing for Marvelous Designer

Hi, I was planning to import an item of Daz clothing into Marvelous Designer for the cloth simulation and then import it back into Daz again for morphs; however, much of the clothing has unwelded geometry and just falls apart in MD simulation. Is their any way of welding a garment together? I have Blender but I'm no expert.
Yes, depending on Blender's abilities, but you'd have to make the welded version the base mesh which would mean exporting as OBJ, exporting the existing morphs as OBJ, loading the morph OBJs as morphs for the base in Blender, doing the welding (how easy that would be would depend on the mesh), making sure the morphs still worked, exporting the base and the moprhs as OBJ, using the Transfer Utility to rig the new mesh from the old (actually, there is an option to transfer morphs as well as rigging, which might avoid the need to export and import morphs), reimporting the morphs, then doing the stuff with Marellous Designer.
Thanks for your reponse. I think my wording made it sound more complicated than I meant it to be. I'll be using the various frozen MD simulations as the morphs, not the existing ones that came with the clothing. I've already done this with clothing that I created in MD and then imported into Daz and I'm quite happy with the results. Is welding the existing Daz clothing as simple as exporting it as an OBJ, importing the OBJ into Blender and then joining the vertices to create one joint mesh? (then exporting it, etc.)
The problem is that welding the mesh will break any existing morphs (because morphs absolutely depend on vertex count and order, welding eliminates vertices - if there are simply overlapping ones that need to be merged - or adds new vertices - if new bridging mesh is needed at the joins). So in order for the new morphs to load you'd need to replace the geometry of the base with the same welded version, and that would require transferring the morphs.