Texture Memory Consumption

Hey, was wondering if someone could answer a question for me. Recently I loaded 3 g8 characters together, posed them, lit them with an hdri and went off to render at uhd resoltuion. As the render was loading up it said the texture memory consumption was 11.9gigs. I have a gtx 1070 with 8gb vram so I didn't think the scene would fit, but it seemed to render on the GPU. I had a GPU meter open and it should I was only using 4-5 gb of my card. In task manager I did show a lot of ram usage on my cpu (I have 32gb of ram). So is the texture memory consumption something that goes to the computer ram or was it passed along because the scene size was greater than my card? If so, it seemed like my card was still being used and my cpu was used a bit even though I only have gpu enabled in the render settings. Not sure about the specifics. Render finished really quickly btw so I can't imagine it was cpu. Any info would be appreciated.
System Specs:
i7 6700k
32gb ram
GTX 1070
it seems to report the uncompressed size, which isn't terribly useful for figuring out how it is using the GPU (or not). These are figures reported by Iray and only gathered and passed on by DS.
Yeah, it's tough to tell exactly what your system is using and how much of the GPU it's using. Thanks for your answer. It's not a huge deal as the render went fast for me, just was wondering about file sizes and such.