Deformity appears when using Legacy UV's on my Transfered GF2 to GF3

I'm using the Transfer Utility to move the morphs from the GF2 to my GF3. So that worked! Now, my GF3 is shaped like my GF2.

The problem NOW is that I can't add the MAT. The GF3 gets a slightly deformed head and puffed up shoulders whenever I try to use Legacy UV's to make the MAT fit.


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,845

    Legacy UVs uses geografts on the head and shoulder to add polygons at the right place so that you can use G2 textures on G3 (without them you would have to change texture map in the middle of a material zone, which is not possible). The problem you have is that the geograft does not adjust to your morph. Maybe your morph is not set to atofollow?

  • Okay, I got out of it. Thanks to sickleyield!


    Now it's time to load Genesis 2 as well.

    Go to Genesis 1 and find your new morph, or the morphs you want to transfer, in the Parameters tab.  Right-click and choose "Favorites" and "Add Selected Properties to Favorites."  This will tell Transfer Utility which morphs to transfer so you don't have to wait while it processes all 500 or whatever of the G1 morphs.

    Start Transfer Utility.  Use G1 as the SOURCE and G2 as the TARGET. 

    If converting from Genesis 2 to Genesis 3, under the Target dropdown choose "Clone" and "Genesis 2" either Male or Female depending which you are converting from.  Leave the left dropdown blank.  If converting from Genesis 3 to Genesis 8, pose Genesis 3's arms at 45 degrees down and legs at 6 degrees out, and use "Current" rather than a clone.  This helps prevent wrist distortion.

    Now when you start Transfer Utility, uncheck everything but the "Morph Targets" option.  You need to have the "Show Options" button checked to expand that part of TU.  Make sure you also uncheck "Fit To Selected Figure!"

    When you click on Morph Targets to highlight it, on the Extended Options panel to the right, you have new options.  Uncheck "From Projection Template" and "Override Existing" and then click on the dropdown.

    Now you have these options:

    Favorites and Sub-Components
    Shaping And Pose

    If you choose "Favorites," then TU will only transfer those morphs that you marked as Favorites in the previous step.  This gives you an easy way to transfer only one or two morphs in a figure with many.  No more waiting fifteen minutes for all of Genesis' morphs to go over when you only need a few!

    Accept.  This will take a moment to run as morphs are transferred.  When that is done you can delete G1 from the scene.

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