1080 card not working.

I have created from the 960 1080 and the software has gotten noticeably slower to the point of near unusability. Doing any previews in irey Takes forever. When I checked task manager it seems that the application is Not taking advantage of the GPU as it is at zero % usage When doing a full render. I went into settings and recognizes the card As it is listed in the hardware but it doesn't seem to be contributing any amount Of processing power and is noticeably worse after having switch from the 960 . Does anyone know how to remedy this problem?
You'll see my post "PC specs" as believe after goign from my 960 to 1060 i also noticed things are slower. Adding the CPU as a resource slows the whole thing down even more. I am sure we both have latest Nvidia software installed.
I've render the image below but it took around 2hrs to do. Navigating around in Viewport in Textured shading is a pain if i have more than 2 characters, actually 2 chars it is slow. Not sure if you can view the image....
That definitely sounds like you're stuck in CPU-only rendering. When was the last time you updated your graphics driver (MUST be the one from the NVidia website)? Are you using a "nearly new" older driver version? Or are you getting your drivers from Windows Update?
The problems with the last two of those are that the new 10-series NVidia cards won't render in Iray if you don't have a recent NVidia driver, and Windows Update has the annoying habit of replacing working NVidia drivers with generic drivers that don't support the custom NVidia features that Iray needs.