Downgrade to Studio 4.9 from Studio 4.10

I have tried everything, even bought a new video card with 6 Gb of videa RAM.  I have a serious problem whenever I try to use the view with Iray or try to render.  I went to the Iray settings and restored the settings to default.  It continues to crash with the Win 7 OS reporting that I have run out of memory.  I have an i7 cpu with 8 Gb of system ram Which I think is very ample.  The resolution is set to 512X512 so it can't be the resolutio is too high.  I have contacted tech support but their response is very SLOOOW and I can't wait for them to reply.

In desparation I want to downgrade because there might be something wrong with 4.10.  The problem is that I can't find Studio 4.9 anywhere on the DAZ website.  I don't want to download from other sites because a possible virus might be added.  I want to get 4.9 from DAZ only for obvious security reasons.


  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019
    edited January 2018

    8gb is very little when you do 3D. I have recently upgraded from 16 to 32 gb because I kept getting crashes whenever my card couldn't handle the render, because The entire content from the card is shovelled on top of the content already on the Ram.

    And I am running 4.8, so i can tell you that your crashes have nothing to do with the Studio version, but a lot with your system setup.

    Rule of thumb, a fully dressed, clothed and haired Genesis character eats up to 2-3GB of memory. So if you load up your nvidea card with a 6GB+ scene, it will send that right back to your CPU for rendering, and then you have 6GB+, plus 6GB from the scene already in the memory, plus whatever your system and DS and other programs need... with 8GB, you have an instant crash. You even get a crash when you just try to build up that 6GB scene. Try checking your RAM memory consumption when you set up a scene. If it has less than 1GB space between the limit and what you have in your RAM, it will pretty certainly crash when you start Iray. You should be fine with single figures and simple scenes, and such. Keep an eye on your RAM memory first, and don't use Iray if you don't have at least 1.5-2GB of free RAM left.

    EDIT: Added a plus to the 6GB, as the scene will drop out of the card if it's bigger than the VRAM space.

    eDIT II: I run a 6GB nVidea 980TI, and it usually fits up to four or five people, before the scene bounces back to CPU. Mileage will vary, because HD and normal maps increase memory consumption "invisibly".

    Post edited by BeeMKay on
  • bstanlebstanle Posts: 71
    BeeMKay said:

    8gb is very little when you do 3D. I have recently upgraded from 16 to 32 gb because I kept getting crashes whenever my card couldn't handle the render, because The entire content from the card is shovelled on top of the content already on the Ram.

    And I am running 4.8, so i can tell you that your crashes have nothing to do with the Studio version, but a lot with your system setup.

    Rule of thumb, a fully dressed, clothed and haired Genesis character eats up to 2-3GB of memory. So if you load up your nvidea card with a 6GB scene, it will send that right back to your CPU for rendering, and then you have 6GB, plus 6GB from the scene already in the memory, plud whatever your system and DS and other programs need... with 8GB, you have an instant crash. You evenm get a crash when you just try to build up that 6GB scene. Try checking your RAM memory consumption when you set up a scene. If it has less than 1GB space between the limit and what you have in your RAM, it will pretty certainly crash when you start Iray. You should be fine with single figures and sinple scenes, and such. Keep an eye on your RAM memory first, and don't use Iray if you don't have at least 1.5-2GB of free RAM left.


  • bstanlebstanle Posts: 71

    "Try checking your RAM memory consumption when you set up a scene. If it has less than 1GB space between the limit and what you have in your RAM, it will pretty certainly crash when you start Iray. You should be fine with single figures and sinple scenes, and such. Keep an eye on your RAM memory first, and don't use Iray if you don't have at least 1.5-2GB of free RAM left."


    OK that might make sense, but can you reccomend a program to check memory usage?  Maybe the Windows task manager might work?

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    The Task manager is a good start. Check it after you opened STudio, then again after you loaded your complete scene. Do the maths.

    Also, is your card properly "set up" in the advanced tab of the render settings?, meaning, is it recognized by DS? If not, you never use the card but go to CPU render directly.

  • bstanlebstanle Posts: 71

    You were right about the size of the scene!  I used the task manager and in the TM there is an option of resource manager.  I was able to monitor the memory usage and sure enough, the physical memory usage rose until all of the available memory was used up.  I guess that I will have to expand the memory on my computer to the maximum of 16 Gb.  I can't afford to but a new computer with 32 Gb (but very few people can).

    Now about using the 6 Gb on the video card.  I have the check boxes for Photoreal Devices and Interactive Devices as CPU and Gforce ... checked.  Is there any way to check if the video card is being used?  Also there is a check box for OptiX Prime Acceleration, should that be checked and what does it do?

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Uncheck the CPU as rendering device. It will fall back to CPU anyway if the scene doesn't fit.  Optix accelleration gives a speed boost, but under certain circumstances can cause crashes. 

    You can see in the DS log file if your GPU was used. But there should be some monitoring software that came with the nVidea card? If not, there's GPU-Z, I think, a freeware program that is used by a couple of people here in the forum.

  • bstanlebstanle Posts: 71

    My issue has been answered but of course not yet solved because I must eventually expand my computer RAM from 8 Gb to the maximum of 16 GB.  Hopefully that  will help a lot.

    One more question...  I found a setting in Render Settings/Advanced that is set to Speed and the other option is memory.  Will setting it to memory make much difference?

  • bstanle said:
    One more question...  I found a setting in Render Settings/Advanced that is set to Speed and the other option is memory.  Will setting it to memory make much difference?

    That controls the handling of instances, as used mainly in some environment sets such as those by Howie Farkes, Tango Alpha, and Stonemason where trees and plants are virtual copies of a few source items rather than loading each as a separate model. It won't have naything to do with most simple scenes not using instancing.

  • BeeMKayBeeMKay Posts: 7,019

    Also, highly recommended, there is a product called Scene optimizer in the store. You can use it to reduce texture size and remove maps from background characters and items. That helps with the memory load a lot. I got a scene with 30 characters fitted on my 6GB card that way. smiley

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