Content Disappearance Issue resolved- "DAZMARE" Over!- How

dash2128dash2128 Posts: 733

Yes, I had a "Dazmare"!        sadcrying

But, yes, it's finally over.

In case someone else encounters this issue, here is what happened:

When most of one's Product disappears from their Content Library, they can feel like they are 'up the proverbial creek' wiithout a paddle- or remote access by someone who really knows what they're doing.


The issue was simple, of course.   Finding out what was causing it, was not.

In this case, most of my content had been inadvertently (I don't know precisely how) moved from the 'My DAZ 3D Library' folder to another folder. 

But going into that folder, did not reveal the content's location, since it was now resting in a data sub-folder. (and its own sub-folders, as well.)  So I could go in and out of it, multiple times- which I did- and never suspect that this was the...'problem file', so-to-speak. 


Discovering the problem: After many weeks of emails, posts and attachments, Richard Haseltine noticed a file that did not belong in that folder (the folder that now contained the content).  And after searcing the data sub-folder within that folder, sure enough, there was the content!

So I went to Content Manager and set up a path to that file, under Daz Studio Formats.  And almost immediately, most of my Content reappeared in Content Library.  And that confirmed what the problem was.

All that needed to be done, after that, was (carefully) move the files back to My DAZ 3D Library, where they were supposed to be. 

A few months back, a similar content issue occurred, but not for the same reason.  So Content Manager issues can happen, but this is one issue that was an easy fix; just a very difficult matter to interpret (discover the cause).  

Sincere thanks to Richard and everyone else who responded to my posts, until the source of the problem could be stumbled upon, and resolved!        

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