AutoFit hair not respecting morph - *solved*

I downloaded an elf character and liked the face but wanted a normal version so I Zbrush scuplted the Ears back to normal. Transferred back toi Daz all is well - but now hair that attached to the character still seems to be seeing the old elf ear shape even though the normal morph is applied.
Also I tried exporting the character as a single ERC frozen morph and that works for the heair - but the mouth is slightly open on the new morph, even though the pose was zero'ed when I exported.
Any suggestions? thanks.
Post edited by bwise1701 on
If the ear morph is added on top of the original and if it isn't set to AutoFollow then it won't be trasnferred to hair or clothing but the original shape will be. Check the properties of your morph by clicking the gear icon on its slider and selecting Parameter Settings.
What do you mean by ERC Frozen? A master slider set up by ERC or did you export the shape and then reimport as a new morph? The latter is not generally a good idea as it loses any correctional morphs.
The Ear Morph is set to Auto Follow.
As for the full body morph - I did the usual - export obj at base res - re-import obj - move to floor -save again - load G8 base - use morphloader pro to bring in full body morph - refit bones to shape - go into edit mode on parameters and ERC freeze full body morph - save as morph asset.
Hmm, is the ear morph's type set to Modifier>Shape and is its path under Actor?
When you export as OBJ/reimport you lose any existing ERC links, so any adjustments triggered by one or more of the component morphs won't be triggered.
It was set to modifier shape - I saved it as a morph asset and reloaded and now it behaves correctly. Thanks
Moprhs not saved as assets do sometimes seem to behave oddly - please report this as a possible bug (by opening a Technical Support ticket).