ERROR, please help :)

Hello everyone! Having this error while trying to do simulation

2018-01-16 13:37:01.128 WARNING: ..\..\..\src\dzdynamicsengine.cpp(1859): ERROR: clEnqueueMapBuffer (-4)
2018-01-16 13:37:01.128 WARNING: ..\..\..\src\dzopenclkernelfactory.cpp(30): Open CL notify: CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE error executing CL_COMMAND_MAP_BUFFER on GeForce GTX 660M (Device 0).

2018-01-16 13:37:01.128 Total Simulation Time: 0.20 seconds

Can someone help me with this? 

Thank You


  • glaseyeglaseye Posts: 1,312

    My technical knowlege is too limited to be of real assistance (looks like a problem with allocating memory...), but my 1st question for you would be what nVidia driver version are you using. I did have errors also with my GTX680 until I updated the drivers. For me - sofar - it works with driver version 388.13

    An alternative might be to update / install the latest opencl drivers to be used with the CPU, if updated GPU drivers still don't function....

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