Eye Problem with a custom Morph

Some time ago, I created a custom morph. I don't remember if I made a morph go from one figure to another, but I definitely edited the mesh in hexagon. I made a dial for G2. I noticed at the time, but didn't udnerstand why or how much, that there was some oddness with the eyes.
I read about "eye rotation" and how to solve it--I'm not sure they are describing the same problem. Here, the problem is that the eyeballs are in the right place, but the iris and pupil are in the wrong place on the eyeball. The "hole" where they should be shows the inside of the head through the back, as the iris/pupil is off-center.
Is there anyway to fix this? The morph was good, and to be honest, right now I can barely remember the steps I used to make the morph work so well. I have the object file--I think I should have deleted the eyeballs (or made them invisible) before exporting the original figure to the mesh to edit in Hexagon. But I didn't, and although I can load it in Hex, the eyes are still there.
Ideally, there's some hidden way I don't udnerstand to plop those pupils back in their holes in the eyeballs, but I wouldn't be surprised if that is not a thing that can be fixed.
Update: I used a morph fixer I found on sharecg. It made the eyes look better, but broke their rigging, so moving them from side to side or up or down no longer rotates them, but translates the eyeball instead. Maybe I'll try rte-exporting as an object now, then importing.
Update: these techniques don't work--"geometry doesn't match, unable to create morph."
It says the same thing after running he "fixer" program from ShareCG, but no adjustments made to deal with the eyes no being too close together after running it.
It's hard to follow your description, but you probably need to adjust the rigging (at least the eye centre points) and use ERC Freeze to link those chnages to the morph.
How would I re-rig the eyeballs to rotate rather than simply translate with botht he rotate and translation controls? And how should I physically plop the eyes where they need to be? Should I jsut translate the eyeballs seperately on the scene tab? Sorry for being so clueless. (This just happens to coincide in time with me trying to learn basic rigging for more extreme humanoid shapes.) I'm still pretty clueless, and reading lots of tutorials. Mostly, they start from scratch with adding the bones, rather than making minor bone/joint tweaks, so I am not asking for everything; I'm putting effort into learning, but no tutorial I've found is exactly for the kind of process I'm looking for here. Do I want figure setup? If so, where do I go from there? I've tried the joint editor tool as well, but changing it doesn't seem to move the eyes, or really affect their "rotation" (and make it not translation) in any way I ahve yet noticed.
There is the Edit>Figure>Rigging>Adjust Rigging to Shape command, but how far have the eyes moved? If rotations is causing a movement that looks like translation it sounds as if they are very far from their initial position - in which case it's likely that other bones will also need adjustment, and getting everything tidied up nicely may be a lot of work.
Thank you! That worked perfectly! I plopped the eye back in the head where it should be, and unchecked all but the eye I had selected in both bones and face groups. It rigged them up again correctly. You rock, thanks for the great advice. It's a big help since I lsot the HD on the computer I had made the character on, and didn't have a backup of the stages in the process, only the flawed finished result, which thanks to you, is no longer flawed.
Darn it. Worked until I saved then reloaded, then got all weird again. In all situations, I either have the eyeballs too close tot eh center of the head, looking crosseyed, or I end up with the iris part not over the hole in the sclera like this. I wish the eye geometry didn't have a weird hole in it so you could just use a simplified eye texture to solve the problem. I also tried editing the opacity maps and diffuse maps in the Layered Image Editor, hoping I could put things were they belong, but the eyes are that shape, and it doesn't work. Tried going back to Hexagon to fix it as well. It seems that the issue might have been reshaping the face for a morph, and perhaps lightly touching the eye surface without grabbing all the eye textures so they don't line up right? I wish I could somehow save the morph but leave the eyes alone, and fix them using the rigging tool later, but the messed up eyes seem to be part of the morph, and using the morph fixer on them made the eyes round again, but not in the right place on the head.
I managed to make the eyelashes fit the new eye shape by editing opacity maps, but no such luck ont he inner eye business.
That looks like an issue with the morph, not moving all aprts of the eye equally - you should (i would hope) be able to fix it by reworking the shape in your modeller.