Problems installing Carrara 5.0 Pro on a Power Mac G5

Hello everyone, I had to replace my old PowerMac G4 for a newer G5, and after installing Carrara 5.0 Pro I couldn't see any text on user interface, all the menus are blank, no text at all, I was trying to apply a solution I have seen on the 7.0 version, but is not working on 5.0, can anyone please point me in a possible solution?
Thanks in advance.
Hi everyone, problem has solved!
I had to resolve many font conflicts my PowerMac did, wel I was the guilty since I did install so many fonts on it, had to remove all the ones that were causing that Carrara was displaying no text on menus, now Carrara is running smooth.
Just leaving this message for those who may face this same issue.
Best regards everyone!