Access_Violation when trying to Auto-Fit Gen 3 to Gen 8

Hey guys,

So, as of last Monday I've been having this problem with Daz. After I downloaded some new products with the DIM and tried them out, Daz suddenly started to crash whenever I try to Auto-Fit a Genesis 3 product to a Genesis 8 actor. Everything else still seems to work fine, it's just the autofitting I seem to have troubles with. I tried to un- and reinstall the items, updated my drivers and anything else I could think of, but nothing has worked so far.

So now, everytime I try to autofit, Daz crashes, I get a 'Fatal Error' report and a line of code that says the following: 

DAZStudio.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module "C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\DzCore.dll" at 0033:00000000B9F356E0, DzPropertyGroup::getTree()

I've included the error report and I've also already sent a Help Ticket, but I'd just like to know if there is someone out there that can make more sense of this than I can and possibly give me a solution? It would be greatly appreciated at least, I have no clue what caused the sudden change and I'd be really happy if someone knew how to fix this.




  • Does thgis still happen if you load a base Genesis 8 female into an empty scene and AutoFit a Genesis 3 Female (or other Genesis) item to the figure? Which options are you picking in the AutoFit dialogue? Did you also try uninstalling and reinstalling the Genesis 8 Starter Essentials, which is what the data used by AutoFit comes from.

  • Yes, it does. And I think I'm picking the most logical options I can, so 'Genesis 3 Female' or 'Genesis 3 Male' and then whatever fits the item, so Hair for hair, Dresses for dresses etc. 

    And I hadn't tried reinstalling the starter essentials, but I did just that now and it doesn't seem to have affected anything. Also, I just found out that there are some genesis 3 items that do still autofit without crashing, but the majority of my items still doesn't want to autofit.

  • Could you give a few examples of crash-inducing and non-crash-inducing items, with luck some of us will have at least some of them and can see if we get the same.

  • Crash-Inducing: Colony Hair for Genesis 3 Female, Misty Hair for Genesis 3 Female, Austrani Outfit for Genesis 3 Female (Only the Hood though)

    Non Crash-inducing: Krayon Hair for Genesis 3 Female, Adalyn Hair for Genesis 3 Female

    Those are just some of the items I've found.

    Also I remember this all started right after I bought and installed some items, which included the genesis 3 female body and head morphs and the genesis 8 female body morphs. Don't know if that messed something up maybe? I'm guessing it's not supposed to but maybe it did.

  • Alright, nevermind to that last thing, I just uninstalled all the products I downloaded since I've gotten the crashes and it still crashes anyway, so I don't think it's a problem with the items themselves.

  • Neither Colony Hair not the Austrani Hood crash for me, I don't have the other item. I do have the morph sets for both figures so I doubt that's it - it could however be some other conflict. It may also be worth checking that you do have the latest version of those products.

  • How do I check if I have the latest version of a product? I'm guessing I would see it on the updates tab but I don't see anything there.

  • Yes, if you installed with DIM it would show as an update.

  • Everything should be the latest version then. I've also redownloaded the metadata of all my products, but that didn't seem to help either.

  • Well, nevermind then. I'm uninstalling and reinstalling DAZ Studio completely now, maybe that will finally stop whatever is causing the crashes. 

  • And that didn't work either ​sad


  • I've tried almost everything I could think of now :/ Is there no one that has had a similiar error and was able to fix it? I've seen other people with the ACCESS_VIOLATION Error, I'd think there would be a common problem that can be solved right?

  • Unfortunately the error itself isn't very illuminating - it means that the application tried to access an area of memory that it shouldn't, possibly because it was trying to use data that had in fact been deleted or because a pointer is getting a plain bad value. Any kind of data handling or fucntion calling could cause that.

  • TomDowdTomDowd Posts: 199

    I would reinstall DAZ Studio and all the essentials into new locations and see if it still happens. Fresh installs into completely different folder locations, even if that means not using the default locations DAZ prefers. DzPropertyGroup::getTree()  is a data function so lets hope you just have a bad install that has some bad data.

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