I need some help...
Every time I try to download the files:
GoZ for DAZ Studio 4.5+ (Win 64-bit)
Photoshop 3D Bridge for DAZ Studio 4.5+ (Win 64-bit)
Scene Builder for DAZ Studio
It fails. I don't know what to do but everything else installs perfectly fine.
Am I supposed to have Photoshop? Are these programs required?
I've tried selecting the + and looked through every folder under DAZ3D and came up with nothing... I can't figure it out. Do I have to change the name to something other than DAZ Studio?
And I installed everything through the main installer (I guess that's what it is called...)
Oh... I feel ridiculous... I figured it out. You have to select the folder and it will figure it out... Thank you all for your help! Sorry for my unnatural blondeness ^.^;
I am glad that this thread cant be deleted, because these are the error messages that I am getting and I cant figure out how to fix them:
Install Manager cannot find a required path. The package for "Photoshop 3D Bridge for DAZ Studio 4.5+ (Win 64-bit)" requires that the installed path for "Photoshop CS6, CS5, CS4 (64-bit)" be defined. Make sure that a path for this application is present on the "Applications" page of the "Settings" dialog, then try again.
Install Manager cannot find a required path. The package for "GoZ for DAZ Studio 4.5+ (Win 64-bit) Public Build +Beta+" requires that the installed path for "DAZ Studio 4.x Public Build (64-bit)" be defined. Make sure that a path for this application is present on the "Applications" page of the "Settings" dialog, then try again.
If you do not have PhotoShop of the versions listed OR ZBrush you do not need those installed at all. If you do you set the PATH to the programs in the Applications TAG in the DIM settings as shown below...
Yep Elements will happily run a Batch set of commands on a batch of DAZ Renders with no need for the bridge. I see the Bridge just as another thing to GOOF up at random times. I can do everything from just Load in PS as I can through the Bridge.
I am having the same issue. However, I tried everything suggested above and it still persists.
I have added the Photoshop path to the Install Manager.
Both DAZ 4.6 Pro and Photoshop CC are 64-bit.
I am running Windows 8.1 Pro.
Could it have something to do with the PS Creative Cloud version?
I have deleted the Photoshop plug-in package so I could rule out a corrupt download.
It re-downloads fine, but immediately pops up the error when I try to Start Queue.
I have attached a .jpg with screenshots.
Anybody else having this issue? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Threads are never deleted, they may give information to other members, and as such, are useful.
And thank heavens for that because I'm having the same problem thinking it couldn't find Daz, when all it wanted was a path to PShop instead.
But i wished it had said that!! ...Mutters under breath >>
Click the gear (Settings) icon in the upper right corner in DIM. Click on the last tab, "Applications". Click the plus sign in the lower left to add an application path. Use the pulldown under Name to select Photoshop (or ZBrush), set the version and bits, and add the path to the application, then click Accept.
I take it that photoshop is not required to install this bridge?
did have issues installing this photoshop 3d bridge with a path error as indicated in the above messages. its installed after reading the solution for it. I just created a photoshop directory and stuck in under the daz studio directory. I don't have photoshop.
I take it that photoshop is not required to install this bridge?
did have issues installing this photoshop 3d bridge with a path error as indicated in the above messages. its installed after reading the solution for it. I just created a photoshop directory and stuck in under the daz studio directory. I don't have photoshop.
Well, it won't do anything if you don't have Photoshop.
I have pointed the Photoshop application in DIM to the correct path, It shows the plug-in on Photoshop, both versions are 64bit, but the plug-in wont load in DAZ and i cant see a function to activate it!
I know i have missed a simple step, but i cant see where?
Uninstall the bridge, with DS and PS closed, delete the C:Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5 (64 bit)/Plugins path from the DIM Applications tab 9theer should only be one entry for the application, pointing to the application folder) and try reinstalling.
I need some help...
Every time I try to download the files:
GoZ for DAZ Studio 4.5+ (Win 64-bit)
Photoshop 3D Bridge for DAZ Studio 4.5+ (Win 64-bit)
Scene Builder for DAZ Studio
It fails. I don't know what to do but everything else installs perfectly fine.
Am I supposed to have Photoshop? Are these programs required?
GoZ requires Zbrush and Photoshop Bridge requires Photoshop. Are you getting error messages about the Scene Builder install?
Thank you for that. I get this every time I try to install the Scene Builder.
In the DIM options, the Gear, open the App's section and be sure it has the Proper paths to all the Programs you will have it Install plugins too...
This may sound like a ridiculous question... but how do I get the downloads there? That tab is blank for me.
Did you install DAZ Studio with DIM?
You have to click on the "+" at the bottom left and then browse to the locations to add them
I've tried selecting the + and looked through every folder under DAZ3D and came up with nothing... I can't figure it out. Do I have to change the name to something other than DAZ Studio?
And I installed everything through the main installer (I guess that's what it is called...)
Oh... I feel ridiculous... I figured it out. You have to select the folder and it will figure it out... Thank you all for your help! Sorry for my unnatural blondeness ^.^;
Hey Y'all its A'Ne Na ,
I am glad that this thread cant be deleted, because these are the error messages that I am getting and I cant figure out how to fix them:
Install Manager cannot find a required path. The package for "Photoshop 3D Bridge for DAZ Studio 4.5+ (Win 64-bit)" requires that the installed path for "Photoshop CS6, CS5, CS4 (64-bit)" be defined. Make sure that a path for this application is present on the "Applications" page of the "Settings" dialog, then try again.
Install Manager cannot find a required path. The package for "GoZ for DAZ Studio 4.5+ (Win 64-bit) Public Build +Beta+" requires that the installed path for "DAZ Studio 4.x Public Build (64-bit)" be defined. Make sure that a path for this application is present on the "Applications" page of the "Settings" dialog, then try again.
Thanks in advance.
If you do not have PhotoShop of the versions listed OR ZBrush you do not need those installed at all. If you do you set the PATH to the programs in the Applications TAG in the DIM settings as shown below...
Hi, I have the same error that comes up.
This may be a stupid question, but:
Does Daz3D require at least photoshop CS4?
I only have Photoshop Elements 9.
It does not work with Elements of any version, only CS4 or higher, sorry.
*sigh* I really hoped I could use Daz.
Ah well, I guess I'll have to find a different animation program.
Thanks though :)
DAZ Studio is usually used to produce an image sequence for creating an animation.
There is no reason why you can't use it and Elements together, just not via a bridge from DAZ Studio directly.
Yep Elements will happily run a Batch set of commands on a batch of DAZ Renders with no need for the bridge. I see the Bridge just as another thing to GOOF up at random times. I can do everything from just Load in PS as I can through the Bridge.
I am having the same issue. However, I tried everything suggested above and it still persists.
I have added the Photoshop path to the Install Manager.
Both DAZ 4.6 Pro and Photoshop CC are 64-bit.
I am running Windows 8.1 Pro.
Could it have something to do with the PS Creative Cloud version?
I have deleted the Photoshop plug-in package so I could rule out a corrupt download.
It re-downloads fine, but immediately pops up the error when I try to Start Queue.
I have attached a .jpg with screenshots.
Anybody else having this issue? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
CC is not yet supported on Windows (it is on Mac, and it is hoped that the Windows version will follow).
I was afraid of that.
Oh well, what can you do :-)
Thanks, Richard
And thank heavens for that because I'm having the same problem thinking it couldn't find Daz, when all it wanted was a path to PShop instead.
But i wished it had said that!! ...Mutters under breath >>
So thank you for never deleting a post. :-)
How do you add the path. I'm a not very good at this.
Click the gear (Settings) icon in the upper right corner in DIM. Click on the last tab, "Applications". Click the plus sign in the lower left to add an application path. Use the pulldown under Name to select Photoshop (or ZBrush), set the version and bits, and add the path to the application, then click Accept.
photoshop 3d bridge:
I take it that photoshop is not required to install this bridge?
did have issues installing this photoshop 3d bridge with a path error as indicated in the above messages. its installed after reading the solution for it. I just created a photoshop directory and stuck in under the daz studio directory. I don't have photoshop.
Well, it won't do anything if you don't have Photoshop.
like I said... I stuck it somewhere in case I ever need it (like I'm gonna get photoshop anytime soon). :D
If you don't have PhotoShop don't install the plug-in.
I think i am being stupid!
I still can't get this to work!
I have pointed the Photoshop application in DIM to the correct path, It shows the plug-in on Photoshop, both versions are 64bit, but the plug-in wont load in DAZ and i cant see a function to activate it!
I know i have missed a simple step, but i cant see where?
Any help would be great!
See ScreenShots
Uninstall the bridge, with DS and PS closed, delete the C:Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5 (64 bit)/Plugins path from the DIM Applications tab 9theer should only be one entry for the application, pointing to the application folder) and try reinstalling.
I have done that before - i un-installed everything and re installed with everything closed!
I just tried it again un-installed, the rebooted and installed and it works fine! Odd...i only added the 'Plugin' folder in desperation!
Looks like the reboot in between did the trick! Thanks!
the PS was begging to be installed.. so.. I did that.
besides, I didn't want it up in queue in the DIM's download folder.