Y Rotate center

Hi All,
When I apply certain purchased G3 poses and subsequently rotate (Y Rotate) the G3 character, the rotation is no longer centered around the G3 character but appears to be centered around some arbitrary point some distance away. Is there a way to modify the pose so that the rotation is centered around the G3 character?
Post edited by [email protected] on
Look at the 'x'and 'y' position of the hip of the character; that's probably not 0 (zero)
Yep, character's Hip X was not equal to zero after the pose preset was applied. Setting Hip X to zero resolved the issue. Thanks!
Just to be sure, did you select the hip part of the character in the scene? And, oh boy, I should have said 'x' and 'z'
Yes, I selected the Hip. I didn't realize that the Hip's X Translate value could be different from the character's X Translate. interesting...
The hip can have different setings for x,y,z, and the rotation etc...
So, I take it you found the solution?
The hip settings are 'relative' to the characters position
It works. Interesting that some of my purchased presets have this issue (Hip's X not aligned with character's X) while others don't. When the two are not aligned, the rotation radius becomes ridiculously wide.
I will never understand why anyone goes to the trouble of selecting the Hip for Genesis figures and moves them by that when building these pose presets. I know that's how Poser figures (V4 and below) used to work, but with the inception of Genesis, the Hip could only be accessed by the figure bone tree. It's faster to select the entire figure and only select the Hip if you need to do Hip-specific rotations, Bends, Twists, and Side-to-Side moves.
The hip should be ued for adjustments related to the pose (to keep the feet on the floor, to rotate a figure laying down, or for relative placement in a couples pose) while the figure node should be used for scene placement. That way placement poses and pose-poses can be freely mixed and matched. Pose sets from the Daz store that don't follow that separation should be reported to QA.