Technical Questions about Camera and Long Daz Sessions

1) Is there a loss in quality when using a dedicated camera verse rendering using the Perspective view?
Aside from losing the camera settings, what about pure quality?
2) Does Daz use more resources the longer you keep it open. I mean, switching scenes, adding, deleting screen content..etc. Does a fresh start make a difference. I am talking about leaving Daz open for a whole day or such and rendering out different scenes. Should it be closed and restarted every so often?
No, the result is the same if you haven't turned on camera-speicifc proeprties (such as Depth of Field)
It's probably a goodd diea to restart ebfore doing a major render that is going to tax the system. I haven't recently, but in the past loading multiple characters as I was test rendering there were eventually weird geometric overlays on the renders or the preview would develop problems (but this was after loading a lot of sets, and trying out - or at least loading - most texture variants on each).
You don't want to leave too many rendered scenes open because they will stay in the GPU's memory.