Smoothing/collision from several objects

Is it possible to have one object react to pressure from more than one other object? Example: one couch /matress with two G3's sitting on it and the matress caving under both their butts?
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Is it possible to have one object react to pressure from more than one other object? Example: one couch /matress with two G3's sitting on it and the matress caving under both their butts?
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Your best bet for that would be to use dForce to achieve that effect.
1. Apply the dForce modifier to the sitting object

2. Go to the surfaces and turn dynamics strength down to 0.00 on all of the material zones that you do not want to "squish" (bed frame for example)
3. Set dynamics strength to 0.50 on the material zone that your characters will be interacting with.
4. Pose your characters where you would like them at frame 0
5. Go to frame 30 and move your character up a bit to create a new key frame, them move them back down onto the sitting surface
6. Go back to frame 0 and move the characters up enough to not have any polygons interscting with the sitting surface.
7. Set dForce to simulate the active animation timeline and hit Simulate.
When complete your characters should be sitting on the object and creating a depressed area.
Keep in mind, if the couch or bed polygon models are too low resolution the effect will not look very good.
The 0.50 value I suggested for the sitting surface is just an example. Higher values will look better, but set it too hig and and the surface will deflate. (You might be able to get away with up to 0.80)
Here is a good example of what can be acomplished with a little trial and error with dForce (The matress and blankets are all simulated using dForce)
Awesome work!
I went through almost all the padded furniture in my content library a couple of days ago and set them up with dForce for the areas where bodies would deform them in real life. Whenever I load the scene, the furniture is ready to go.