DAZ Install Manager thinks everything is "Ready to Install"

I've been running DIM for a long time  now and it has been working fine. But lately all of a sudden, everytime I start it, it thinks all 1800+ of my products and updates need to be reinstalled. And it just continues. Say I buy 5 new things. They will download, install, move to the Installed tab, like normal. But when I close and open DIM, they are added to the "Ready to Install" tab total and my Installed total is back to zero. It's annoying, not fatal as the content is available in DS, just doesn't make sense to me.


  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    Mine does that too, once you get a lot of products it takes DIM a while to read all the data to update it's working configuration.

  • fixmypcmikefixmypcmike Posts: 19,613

    It sounds like something is interfering with the ManifestFiles folder.  See if there are 1800+ .dsx files there.  What OS and security software are you using?  Have you ever run Install Manager as Administrator?

  • JonnyRayJonnyRay Posts: 1,744

    I got it worked out!

    I had moved my "Public" user from my C: drive to my D: drive. Somehow my symbolic links that redirected c:\users\public to d:\users\public got broken. Fixed that and everything worked properly again!

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