How do I convert a LAMH shader to work with iRay?

How do I convert a LAMH (Look At My Hair) shader to work with iRay?  Anyone have a handy link?

I found this, but I don't know what's going on...   



  • TheKDTheKD Posts: 2,703
    edited January 2018

    Do you have the free version, or the full version? Oh nvm, the shader, not the actual fur. I control click the fur shader that comes with this one
    Hasn't let me down so far.

    Post edited by TheKD on
  • Control click?  I'm trying to get this particular product to work with iRay:


    I have the purchased version. 

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    You export as an object & it will re-import when it's done. However, your bear needs to be in it's final x,y,z translation and x,y,z rotation before you do that. You can't move the bear at all afterwards. It is a slow process that will make you think DAZ will be crashing but DAZ usually doesn't if you have enough RAM.


  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    The easiest way if you have the full version of LAMH and not just the player is to use the Convert to Fibre Hair option. Other than that you can save it as a .obj file. As nonesuch00 says though you have to pose the figure first and then save and load but you then can't make a pose adjustment. If you make an adjustment you will have to resave the hair.

  • I do have the full version of LAMH and have used it successfully in the past with other figures.  This Polar Bear is pretty detailed, and for a moment there I thought it was crashing DAZ Studio, but it wasn't. After sending it to render I saw very little activity, and it took 15 min before the render window even appeared, after which it rendered pretty quick.     
    I found this, Iray Catalyzer plugin...  but I don't think that will work on my Polar Bear since it doesn't have an IRay Catalyzer preset?  It appears that's the case.

    In the mean time, I'll try your advice. Thanks so much sharing the knowledge! 


  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    The Catalyzer preset for the Polar and Brown bears will be in a new set which @Alessandro is working on.

    This image uses Fiber Hair

    Click on image for full size.

  • That looks exactly like what I need. How do you convert it to, or use, fiber hair? 

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    When you open the LAMH window there is a button at the top to export to FiberHair.

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,320

    Oh yeah sorry, I said obj but I meant fibre hair. Your export it to fibre still takes a very long time to export & re-import it though. And you still can't pose afterwards. I think to pose you need to rig the fibre hair.

    If someone could explain how to rig fibre hair so you can pose afterwards that would be great!

  • I see. I just tried it out and it works pretty good. It does take a long time to export, but I can render it in iRay now. Thanks a bunch guys! 

  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162

    Remember to clear everything from the scene except the bear and fur then save it as a Scene Subset and then you will always have it to hand if you need it again.

  • sandmanmaxsandmanmax Posts: 992

    I know this is a bit old but i need to do this.  And I'm not seeing a Convert to FibreHair button. Just To OBJ. Is that what you're talking about? It's been ages since I played with LAMH.

  • MaxHancockMaxHancock Posts: 227

    I know this is a bit old but i need to do this.  And I'm not seeing a Convert to FibreHair button. Just To OBJ. Is that what you're talking about? It's been ages since I played with LAMH.

     It's been a long time since I've used this, but here is a pdf of my notes on it...  



  • FishtalesFishtales Posts: 6,162
    edited June 2020

    I know this is a bit old but i need to do this.  And I'm not seeing a Convert to FibreHair button. Just To OBJ. Is that what you're talking about? It's been ages since I played with LAMH.

    It sounds as if you have the player and not the full version. I just had a look and the Save to Fibrehair is in the LAMH Editor.

    Post edited by Fishtales on
  • sandmanmaxsandmanmax Posts: 992

    OH!  Never mind... I found it in the LAMH Editor.

  • sandmanmaxsandmanmax Posts: 992

    Oops!  It looks like our posts crossed. Thanks for all the info.

  • robertswwwrobertswww Posts: 793

    This video might be helpful to some...

    From LAMH to IRay: a better tutorial (I hope)

    From Alessandro Mastronardi:
    In this movie I'm showing how to use Look at my Hair export to OBJ feature to have fur generated on the fly and rendered with Iray.

  • kervalakervala Posts: 186
    edited August 2021

    Hi there :)

    I had the same issue that most of you, I added a Squirrel by AM (Rodent Rodents by AM: Squirrels of Eastern Hemisphere) in a very huge UltraScenery scene with a detailed character and several animations. I couldn't render the iRay Catalyst version because to a lack of VRAM. Either it crashed DAZ Studio, either the render took a while.

    I succeeded to render the animation by doing a little trick :)

    I converted the Squirrel fur to very huge OBJs using Fiberhair export from LAMH and then I imported OBJs into Blender and used Decimate : Planar modifier. By using a 40° angle, I was able to greatly simplify the fur geometry. Finally, I imported the simplified fur in DAZ Studio and conformed it to the Squirrel using Tranfer Utility:)


    Post edited by kervala on
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