How does one remove an area of an autofit garment from projection

I have auto-fit a genesis pair of pants to a g8 figure. There is no pants template choice in the auot-fit so I assume it does full body - but in some poses the pants project to hands and arms and from leg to leg
How does one remove areas of the character from the projection map?
That would require a new template - though you don't have to use a template at all, that section can be left blank. I'm surprised, unless the pants were extremely baggy or had projecting elements, that the hands would get any influence.
Are there instructions on how to create a new template?
Pictures would help to understand better. AFAIK the templates are used to create weight maps and bones. They don't affect the geometry projection phase where the outfit is fitted to the figure shape. My guess is you will have to fix the weight maps.
Is projection controlled by Maps? WHich ones would those be?
No. What I mean is, when you choose a source and a target in the transfer utility, that alone determines how the shape is changed. You can even leave the projection template blank, it doesn't matter. The projection template is used to decide bones and weightmaps.
So, if the pants move with the hands, I guess you have to edit the weight maps. You can use the weight map editor for that: tool settings > node weight map brush.
It isnt that the hands arms etc move the pants, it's that when the hands arms etc are touching or close to the pants - the pants seem to be projecting onto the hands and arms - similiarly when the legs are touching or a leg is extremely bent - its as if the projection is seeing the whole body and getting confused as to what part to project to in those situations
As I said, with pictures it would be easier to understand. From what you say I guess you apply the transfer utility to a posed character. In my opinion the transfer utility is better used in T-pose. That is, you first apply the outfit, and then you pose the figure. I don't know how the transfer utility acts on an already posed character since I never used it this way, I'd need tests. Hope this helps.
EDIT. Out of curiosity I did some tests and it turns out that my guess was true. If you use the transfer utility on a posed figure then it gets "confused" from intersecting geometries and tries to fit the outfit over them. In my opinion this behaviour can be very useful in some cases so I'd not consider this a bug but a feature. Below the pants example that I guess it's your case. There's the G2F pants fitted to a posed G3F.
Well I finally sorted this out. And I apologize for being dumb, but since I mainly use DS just to export assets, this is not really my area of expertise. Anyway, what causes this behaviour is not really the transfer utility itself, it's the mesh smooth modifier that the transfer utility applies by default in the "fit to" process. So you just have to disable it to get the outfit stopping "absorbing" near geometry.
Technically, I guess the problem is that the mesh smooth modifier tries to fit to the collision item, that's the figure itself, so it can't distinguish between the body and the hands and gets that weird effect.
Ah - bizarre but yeah that sounds likely. I will give that a try. Thanks!