Can the Dragon 3 be animated (and export those)?

Almost a complete newbee here -- I use Daz strictly because of the awesome content I can buy and export to use in iClone, and so far my sets and characters are great.  iClone now has a pretty great dragon for sale but almost nothing can compare to the Daz Dragon 3 in terms of morphability and possibilities.  However, unlike humans (who can be automatically brought into iClone so I can use any iClone animations with them) non-human characters don't have an exhaustive set of said animations.  In general when you import non-humans into iClone you need to also import their animations.


Except -- well, Daz ain't really no animation program, and I don't see that any of the Dragon 3 bundles come with any animations, only poses.  I *think* you can animate in Daz somehow, and I assume it involves posing at various points on the timeline.  Is that how you do it?  And is that exportable (FBX will export animations from most programs).  How much work and effort would it be for me to build up a series of common animations (like walking, taking off and flying, attacking, etc)?  If it's a life's worth just for these basics I think I'll get the iClone made one instead.


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,612

    The dragon 2 and Millennium dragon motions and poses sort of work with it

    I posed it in a t-pose and exported it and manually retargetted it making the wings extend bones

    then in motion editor you can pose it better and set as default and save and also animate the wings and collect clip

  • You manually retargeted it in XChange?  And when you say "motion editor" are you talking about the iClone motion editor, or somewhere in Daz?

    I'm not looking to create animations by posing each bone -- I'd like to load in either an animation from somewhere or, as I said, if there's a way to create an animation in Daz by moving from pose to pose and then exporting it that would be fine as well.  Just from what you are saying above, though, it sounds like a lot more work than I want to go through (so I think I'll just skip it and buy the iClone dragon).

    It's too bad Daz is so poor at animation -- I would never use it for animation, mind you, but for things like this it would be nice to create stuff to be used in a real animation program like iClone.


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,612

    motion editor in iClone

    and yes manually retargetted there are many tutorials on it


  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,612
    edited January 2018

    DAZ studio is a tool how good a tool is depends on the user

    iClone and DAZ both have great premade assets for different uses some to do high quality renders some for click and load animation

    it is up to the user to put in the extra work to do both

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • Yeah, I know how to retarget (even help folks do it) I just wasn't sure exactly where you were doing it.


    The work -- I put in a LOT of work on lighting, writing, directing, sound and image FX, staging and camera work.  The places I have to cut back are in content creation -- and while I can use mocap for both face and body to help with animations (and I do with very sophisticated equipment) that ain't gonna do it for animating by hand a dragon -- I'll pay for others to do that.


    So I'll buy the iClone one and the animations included.  But thanks for the reply -- it does clear the field for me.

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