Adding metadata to a product and making L-R hand versions of smart props

Silent WinterSilent Winter Posts: 3,767

Hi again,

Continuing with making some items.

I'm adding metadata but I have, for example, a sword.  I've saved out the zeroed sword and want to make left and right hand smart-props for G3/8 M/F.  I know how to do that, but I'm stuck at setting the metadata.

Is the metadata per product?  Or is it per sub-version?
In other words, do I set it as 'Prop>arms>hands' once on the zeroed version.  Or do I set each one as 'Prop>arm>right/left>hand'?

Do I also set the compatibility base for each version?  And what's the difference between 'Set compatibility base' and 'Set compatible with'?

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