Reverse Deformations on Morphs?

I'm trying to create a morph from a sculped G3F base that apparently had "Navel" and "Mouth Realism HD" left on (p.s.: why are these on by default?). Now, my carefully sculpted teeth are being turned into rounded pegs and the lips are parting slightly. I just want my morphed figure to match the sculpted .obj file.
When importing a morph with Morph Loader Pro, one of the options is "reverse deformations". Can anyone explain what this does without a bunch of three-letter-acronym terminology? Will this let me back out the facial and navel distortions?
Reverse Deformations subtracts the effect of the posing/shaping of the figure from the morph loaded, leaving only any differences on top of that - so if you want to create a correction for distortion from a bend you take the bent figure into a modeller, make it look how you want, and import with Reverse Deformations to get only the chnages needed to add to the effect of the bend. To cancel out the HD morphs, and possibly other effects (if you used ZBrush dividing the mesh with SMT on can cause issues even once the divisions are reset to zero), one option is to folow exactly the same steps on export and preparing the model (such as dividing in ZBrush), then load that as a morph and set it to 1 - using Reverse Deformations should then subtract those effects from your morph, leaving only the intended changes.
I am using Hexagon, thru the daz bridge. Subdivisions were at the base zero. So, if I import the morph with "Reverse Deformations" set to "yes", and the base figure has the navel and HD face at the default 100%, I should get my undistorted morph?
Close to, at least - the problem is that they are HD moprhs and you can act only on the Standard Definition component.
Since Studio exported only the SD component, this shouldn't be a problem.