How do I save fav poses in 4.10

In Daz 4.9 when I found a pose I liked I would catagorize it into path I made called "fav poses" and it would show up there. In Daz 4.10 when I do that, the pose's original bundle shows up in the smart conent pane, not the pose itself. I then have to open the bundle to see the pose.  This doesn't work for me as I don't remember which pose is from which bundle. Is there an easy way for me to somehow mark my fav poses so I can viually access them when I need to?  Screen shot attached - only the pose bundle (i am not sure if that's the right word) is showing up, not the pose itself

Screen Shot 2018-01-06 at 4.22.50 PM.png
3104 x 1978 - 896K


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872

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