How do I reinstall without losing paid for content?
I have fooled around with some setting, (I really don't know which one) and DAZ Studio doesn't work properly. I have reported the bug to Technical Support but they are very slow in responding. In the time I am waiting, I can do nothing so I think it is best to reinstall DAZ Studio in the hope things will be better when I reinstall.
I have one concern, what will happen to all my purchased products? How can I be certain that they will work with the new installation. I am also concerned that the setting that is causing the problem mighy be re-introduced when I do any backup. I intend to backup to a flash drive any content, work etc. Which directories should I backup?
Reinstalling daz Studio will not affect content or settings (so if the issue is down to content or settings it won't help). What is the issue you are having?
Daz keeps an archive of your purchases. You can download them whenever you want when you change PC's, re-install Daz, add a PC, etc.
I stopped using Daz for almost two years (because I was too addicted and was spending hundreds of dollars a month). After I completed Daz Rehab and learned to control my cravings, I reinstalled on a new PC and all my paid for content was waiting for me.
Unfortunately for me, Daz had upgraded from G3F to G8F during that of course I had to start buying again.
I'm not really sure what caused the problem. The day before Studio crashed when exiting, I did notice some anomolies but they were minor so I ignored them. The real problem came after I noticed thet all my renders were at only 512X512 resolution. I searched around and found where it seemed that I could increase the resolutionn. I changed it to 1500X1500. When looking around, I also noticed a check box that indicated that I could use my graphics card to help so I checked that box. (I have a GeeForce GTX550 TI video card)
I did another render and it made no difference (It still was at 512X512 resolution.) I rechecked the area where the resolution was to be changed and it still was at 512X512 resolution. It was late so I decided to try again the next day. When I exited Studio, all seemed to exit normally but an error message came up saying that a bug had been encountered. When I started DAZ again, I could select nothing.
As I said before, I contacted technical support but their response is very slow (maybe a few weeks in cases).
When you say you could select nothing do you mean the whole UI was unresponsive? No menus opened, no buttons could be clicked?
I could not select any item or figure. I could access the rest of the GUI.
By the way, I might not have mentioned and don't really think it makes a difference, that the problem is in DAZ Studio 4.10. My computer is running Win 7, has 8 Gb of RAM, an I7 cpu and 2 Gb of video RAM. Also, I can understand and use technical jargon because I am a retired programmer with a masters degree in Software Engineering. What is the nature of the bug is probably a technical matter and probably betond the scope of a beginners forum. However, I am happy to answer any questions. Maybe it is best to continue this discussion on the technical support forum.
What tool is active (check to see which is ticked in the Tools menu)?
As far as not being able to select, perhaps I made a newbie error. The tool selected was the Scene Navigator so the selection problem has been solved. I also found the correct settings for the render resolution and the graphics card is now being used (I think.) In all, all seems to be good with the sole problem of the error (bug) when Studio quits.
The exit error is something for technical support to fix. Other than that, I can use DAZ. Thanks for the help.