Quick Question...

Before I spend a lot of money, will Genisis 3 clothing work on Genisis 8 figures?


  • OZ-84OZ-84 Posts: 137
    mlolya said:

    Before I spend a lot of money, will Genisis 3 clothing work on Genisis 8 figures?

    Quick answer.


    But... shoes are a problem ;-)

  • mlolyamlolya Posts: 36


  • mlolyamlolya Posts: 36

    Okay so I bought some Gen 3 clothes and they are loaded in, but when I select a Gen 8 figure to dress the Gen 3 clothes don't show up. How can I access the Gen 3 clothes to put them on a Gen 8 figure?

  • nonesuch00nonesuch00 Posts: 18,333

    You have to go to the tab that says 'Content Library' and navigate to the correct subfolder rather than use the 'Smart Content' tab.

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