Morphs Won't Load

I recently updated my PC to a new one with greater storage capacity. I merged the two databases I had on separate external drives to the new drive. Things like the characters and props all show up properly in the content library, but when I load a character there are only a handful of basic morphs in the parameter and shaping tabs. Also, hair items load properly and I can see the hair style options in the content library, but they won't load. The material options do load for changing hair color.
I assume I missed a step when consolidating the databases (everything worked fine prior to that). Any ideas on how to fix this? I'm running Windows 10. Thanks.
Do you mean databases or folders on disc? Assuming the latter, the most likely explanation is that the morphs were isntalled separately from the bases and in merging their folder went one level too low - so you have /somefolder/Data in your content directory, instead of having the Data folder directly in the content diectory. Another possibility is that you installed via connect, if you did that and transferred files but not the actual database then the content won't be seen.