Ripped and torn clothing


This is probably something most people know how to do but I can't figure it out myself. What I want to do is to be able to create tears in fabric, like a torn cloth, the open knees in jeans and so forth. I have seen some clothing that can be bought that have rips in them but I would prefer to figure out how to do this myself. I'm a newbie to all of this so would appreciate the help.


  • algovincianalgovincian Posts: 2,636

    One thing that I've done in the past is to just use opacity maps. Here's an old example that I dug up showing how the ripped clothing can look:

    For IRay, you'll want to put the maps in Cutout Opacity, with white being opaque and black being transparent. It can be done to existing clothing and it's quick to do. The maps can be created in a 2D image editing app or a 3D painting app. 

    Hope this helps.

    - Greg

  • 3dnutz3dnutz Posts: 3

    Thanks for the advice but I have no idea how to create transparency maps. Can they be done in DAZ as I don't have any other programs being a newbie to all this. I have tried Ragerator but I can't get that to work either.


  • frankrblowfrankrblow Posts: 2,052

    You will need a reasonably good paint program. I use Panitshop Pro, but there are excellent freebies, like Gimp:

    Exactly how you use it will depend on the clothing you want to modify. When you're set up just specify what you are working on.

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