G1 to G3 GenX and Autofit

I have a question about the G1 Supersuit, supersuit for G1 that autofit doesn't work really well it doesn't fit actually, I'm thinking not getting GenX2. My questions for GenX2 are: when I add my Morphs to G1 will I lose the use of my G3 hair and clothing?
Would it be better just get one of the autofit plugins (wear them all) if I can't use hair for G3 on G1
Sorry I don't have the G1 Supersuit. As to GenX2, if you are transferring a Genesis character to G3, then the new G3 character can still use G3 clothes, etc; Genesis clothes won't fit the new character without a Genesis clone, like that in Wear Them All. Here is a character I transferred a couple of hours ago: Genesis to G3, with G3 hair and shirt, G3F shoes and G2M pants.