Is there and undo delete option?

I've been cleaning up my content library, deleting any freebies I didn't have a proper license for, and I made a mess. I was doing it by right clicking on a folder and selecting delete in Daz Studio. I accidentally clicked on the "props" folder in the poser content instead of a subdirectory. The files are gone - Is there a way to restore that content, or do I have to redownload all my poser props? Windows 7.
You could check the recycle bin, but they are likely gone. I do my content management in WIndows Explorer, because by default deleted files go into the recycle bin unless you hold the shift key down...
They are not there. I thought the in-program option was more convenient, but seems like I was wrong :)
If you haven't done anything else in Studio since or restarted it my first instinct is to try Ctrl Z first before panicking completely :)
That only affected the scene unfortunately
I wonder if you right click on your Library in Studio and used the Browse to folder location which will open up Explorer an undelete option would show up?
Unfortunately not :) I'll go ahead and start the redownloads. Still, it's just poser content. If it was daz, I'd flip out on myself
create a new folder where it was
rename it props
rightclick properties
previous versions
you might get it back
good luck
Thanks, unfortunately it doesn't work, I guess I'd need recovery to be set up :) No worries though, it's just a few hours of work to restore. Still, it would be handy if Daz Studio moved deleted stuff to the recycle bin instead of erasing it completely.