External HDD, Connect, and DIM

I am planing on getting an external HDD for my laptop. My question is how do I get Connect and DIM to install stuff on the external HDD? Is there a way to manually move everything I already downloaded when I get it which might be tomorrow or the next day since I am planing on using Amazon Prime. The laptop has about 464 GB on it. Is a TB about a thousand GB? I know not exactly but HDD's say that they have X TB does not mean I have X TB to play with.
oops how do I reset a perspective camera? I assume that the kitchen set I load does not keep the tables and chairs on the ceiling? another issue for later.
Okay found the reset camera button but need to go on errands so this project has to wait.
Okay the exterrnal HDD has been delivered but I am not at home. If it is not a frozen block when I get home I will try to set it up. I think I know how to do DIM to another location but not Connect.
You can put both directories on different drives. You need to update the paths in the Content Directory Manager (in Studio). You will also need to update the downloads directory path in DIM.
See the attached.
Thanks @fastbike1
I uninstalled everything via DIM so I can reinstall everything on my external HDD. I do not want to keep my HDD in the laptop full.
Stupid idiotic mistake. I think I set up the download folder to the wrong folder. It is downloading all the files into the wrong folder. It is driving me crazy so I need to fix it somehow.
FWIW, you don't need to uninstall content to change locations. You can just move the files and change the paths in Studio and DIM.
Now you tell me. Now I feel stupid.
I forgot a step. Map the content folders correctly in DS.