Daz3D.com "Shop" section suggestion

I apologize if there is a better place for this. I would like to see a way to filter out the products that I already own when doing a search in the "Shop" section of the Daz3D.com website. I see on the left hand column that every category offers a way to filter the results. I also see that items that I have purchased are displayed on the detail page of that product. Can a filter be applied to help the customers who have purchased quite a bit of product already?
Oh, that would be good, I agree. To add my three pennies, a "Show all" option would also be nice. This way people would be able to see the levels of different prices. Should one want to get, let's say, Cheyenne Village, he or she would browse without the categories by "Show all" and that person would clearly see that it's far better to buy Cheyenne Bundle, which is now priced the same value as Cheyenne Village and Cheyenne M4/V4 (see yourself, I'm not kidding: http://www.daz3d.com/value/cheyenne-bundle).
Oh please yes. I'd love to filter out my already owned products. At the same token, I'd love to be able to filter products in my product library under compatible figures/type/etc (hell, just put the store search functions in my account > product library lol)
Agreed, Vaskania! That's a really good idea. Well, I've just purchased a couple of items I've been longing for (taking advantage of that glorious Platinum sale :-P) and suddenly I realised I can only sort ONE FIGURE at time. So I cannot sort things that have multiple versions. For instance, one of my favourite character designers is Raiya. This vendor usually offers characters that have two versions, for example, M5 and Genesis or V5 and Genesis. I'd love to have the chance to sort them out, but now, I can only find accessories for V5 OR Genesis (not the ones that can be used either with V5 or Genesis). That's silly. It would be perfect if they changed it.