Free Million Dollar Idea.

1. Take all of your original products/sofrware, combine them into easy to access/download cloud storage.
2. charge $29.99 /mo for an account with all access to all software/original products.
3. Charge $49.99 /mo for access to all Daz originals, Plus 3rd party content add-ons.
Think of Adobe Creative cloud and the success they clearly showed the industry.
no more of this "free to use" "pay to upgrade" garbage. Just make it complete membership with all access, and you will gain plenty of new users, as well as returning subscribers.
Creative Cloud is not cloud based, it's just a fancy name for a subscription service that goes on line once per month to validate itself - and it's why I am unlikely to go beyond my current CS6.
It's also worth remembering that many people have fixed bandwidth allowances, which would be an obstacle to this kind of scheme.
Definition of Cloud Computing:
You don.t have any stuff.
For a small fee, we'll let you use our stuff.
Until we don't.
Why wouldn't we?
Maybe we're idiots and hired another idiot to handle the back-end.
Maybe we got divorced and lost the assets to our spouses and THEY are idiots who DON'T REALLY CARE. (I know of an actual case!)
Maybe we saw our chance and sold out to the REALLY BIG CORPORATION OF AMERICA (uppercase mandatory). They care. Just not about you.
Maybe we're dead.
By the way, we also hired an idiot to handle accounts receivable, so we're still billing your card even though your services have stopped.
Cloud bad! Bbaaadd!!
Adobe's idea to rent, not sell, software isn't new (annual license fees for software go back to the days of IBM mainframes), but the practice has always reminded me of a protection racket. "You've got a nice little operation going with our software here. It'd be a shame if anything *happened* to it..." [knuckle cracking noise]
say what you will about subscription services, but they work.
I, for one, would love access to all content for $29 /mo... rather than buying elements I need for $500 in one day.
I think I said that.
They work...
...until they don't
Stands to reason that you would be happy paying $29 for $500 worth of stuff. This is why subscription sites struggle, people join, download oodles of stuff and then cancel the sub.
Stands to reason that you would be happy paying $29 for $500 worth of stuff. This is why subscription sites struggle, people join, download oodles of stuff and then cancel the sub.
But if the program is online & the assets are online and the subscription service only allows online access so that the only thing being downloaded are render files; then it would make sense.
So what about the very many people who do not use their working machine on line.
Do you not remember the total furore that erupted when there was a speculative rumour that DAZ 3D were going to go for a Dream type download system.
I don't think anyone's suggesting that this be the only option, just that it would be an interesting possibility.