Cannot install Renderosity content on Daz 4.10 - Plz Help!

Hi Guys,
Long time user but first time poster. Reason? I usually (spelled always) buy my stuff from Daz Store and it generally works fine. However, I need body hair for a special female character and could not find it on Daz, so, i reluctantly went to Renderosity and found what I needed and down loaded the .Zip file. It contains a Data folder, A Documentation folder and a People folder. I've tried everything I know, Loaded the folders to My Daz Libraries in Data, Documenttion and People - nothing. tried putting the zip file into directories- nothing. Since there's not an installer, I need help.
I am a writer of fiction and use my Daz to create my book characters so that I can fashion my own covers. This special character is a wild, giant woman (12'6") will all the hair she was born with. I need this content or Daz needs to offer full body hair for women. I would prefer that anyway. I've bought thousands worth of Daz content and it buggs me when I cannot find what I want. Please Daz, give us good, HD body hair for females. I'll but it instantly. In the mean time, how can I load this thing?
Did you verify that it's for Daz Studio and not only for Poser?
In any event, it should contain an Installation Instructions text file. Failing that, the Data folder should have one called Runtime, and everything below that is identical between Poser and Daz Studio.
As long as the zip's Data folder was merged with your Daz data folder, that Runtime folder merged with Daz' Runtime folder, so everything is where it should be.
However, you probably won't find it in Smart Content because it probably wasn't set up for Daz Studio's content smartness.
However, it should appear in your Content Library pane, under Poser Formats, if you have that option (maybe not if you don't have Poser? I have Poser, but am not sure if you only get that option if you have Poser).
Anyway, check your Content Library pane, under the People subheading.
It would help if you could tell us the product you are referring to (it is allowed - just no direct links), or at least the figure that the product was designed to be used with. That will help us tell you where those folders belong. The Documentation folder doesn't really matter much - you can put it anywhere that you can find it, as it isn't readable in DAZ Studio anyway. Here is the problem: all content usable in Poser, and Poser content usable in DAZ Studio, will go into the Runtime folder in your product library. That Runtime folder contains many subfolders, including a "data" folder, and probably a "documentation" folder. However, within your content library, outside of that Runtime folder, are many folders that contain DAZ Studio content. And here's the kicker: as you may have noticed, there is also a "data" folder and a "documentation" folder within your content library outside of the Runtime folder. As a consequence, it is difficult to know where to put that "data" folder which is important, without knowing more about the product that you are referring to. The People folder is not a Runtime folder but a DAZ Studio folder, so, if I had to guess, it would be that both the People and Data folders belong in your content library outside the Runtime folder. But that is only a guess. If I am correct, you only need to drag and drop them into your content library folder and they will be merged with the existing Data and People folders there. Likewise the Documentation folder.
Agent unawares is right, Rob. If the product that you are referring to is the body hair product for Genesis 3 Female by Exnem, then my earlier assumption was correct. To locate the product, look in the Content Library tab on the right side of the viewport in DAZ Studio. The product should be found under DAZ Studio Formats > 3DContent > People > Genesis 3 Female. I'm not certain what category that it might be in from there - I don't have the product myself. I'd have a look under Hair for starters. If not there, I'd try Materials. You could always click through each in turn - it will be in one of them. Alternatively, go into the People folder contained within your .zip file and open it up to see which category it is found under - the folders nested within it should correspond to the categories under the Content Library tab. The information in that Documentation folder would be worth a read as well. It will be either a .pdf or a text file most likely and must be opened outside of DAZ Studio.
The "Runtime" folder does not contain the "data" folder, that is specific to DAZ Studio format content.
When you see those folders on opening the .zip file, in Windows, Ctrl mouse click on each one to select them. In the left hand side of the window in the Folder list find the My Library folder and open it, move it down a little so that it isn't touching the top of the window, and Ctrl LEFT mouse click and hold while dragging the highlighted files in the .zip window over the My Library folder so it is highlighted and release. In the pop up window choose Copy Here. Another window will pop up asking if you want to merge the folders. At the bottom it asks if you want to do it for all folders set to on and click YES, the folders will be added to your library. If another window pops up the same as the last one then do the same as there may be other folders within each folder that need to be merged.
Perhaps it is not supposed to, jestsmart, but it does occur occasionally due to improper packaging perhaps. And where I have found it, it is not a misplaced DAZ Studio data folder, since it contains Poser format files, not DSON files. There are often lots of different folders that can crop up from time to time that are not "official" Poser or DAZ Studio folders, and they may or may not be problematic depending upon what they contain.