CMS install path

Hi all, I know this must have been asked before but am falling asleep at my desk so please bear with me, lol! Where do I find where the CMS is installing to please? And change it? Thanks!


  • It will probably depend on the OS you are running.

    On my Win7 box the program is installed in C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\PostgreSQL CMS, and the data is in C:\Users\<myusername>\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\cms.

    IMHO these are the best places in the Win7 world for them to be in.


    However, Postgres is a complex (and powerful) beast, and moving these without editing all the config files is going to be fairly difficult!


  • I need to know how to move them and change the path in CMS - my hard drive is 120GB only; my space is on my other two drives. I have Win7.... But where in DS do  I change the path, please? Thanks!

  • Do you mean Daz Connect? The Connect Data directory is set in Edit>Preferences>Content tab>Content Directory Manager.

  • Right click on the Content Library Pane, select Content Directory Manager, and there's all yer content locations. Copy your current Content folder to your storage drive, then select this location in Content Directory Mangler, and remove the original path.

    Then open DIM in offline mode, change your content path to the new one, then login, refresh, and see if it says you need to update anything.

    I think you can also change the CMS cluster by right-clicking on the Content Library pane and selecting Edit Content Preferences, then selecting CMS Settings in the resulting window, then Browse.
    I say "I think" because I have not actually clicked anything beyond that for fear of totally bjorking my installation :D

  • IMHO you only need to move the Content, not the CMS itself.

    On my box (with not a lot beyond the original install) the CMS program itself takes 70MB, the CMS data takes 170MB, but the content takes 10GB!

    Thanks to DrNewcenstein for the location for the content directory info!


  • Thanks everyone - I'll try these out tonight. I keep getting waylaid by work! lol!

  • heiko_grossmannheiko_grossmann Posts: 1
    edited January 2018

    I had exactly the same problem, small root drive (SSD with 128 GB). After a lot of (painfull) experimenting I've found a good working solution, but has to be done on operating system level.

    First of all, I do absolutly NOT suggest to change any path directly in DAZ Studio or CMS, leave it at the defaults! There are plugins and other stuff which are hard coded to the default path with no way to change it. Especialy FaceGen works only with defaults.

    On Windows, you can use a special directory link call "Junction". This kind of link reroutes any file request from the given place (let's say c:\users\public\documents\My DAZ Library) to a given new place (maybe x:\My DAZ Library) without the application recognicing the difference.

    To do so:​

    • ​Copy your entire Library (default: c:\users\public\documents\My DAZ Library) to the desired new place, without renaming anything.
    • ​Rename the original Library. For simplicity add an ".x" at the end (New name: c:\users\public\documents\My DAZ Library.x). This is just for backup, if anything goes wrong, you can restore the original name and everything is fine. 
    • ​Now start DAZ. You should not see any content! Don't panic... Close DAZ.
    • Start a command shell (cmd) and navgate to the library at c:\users\public\documents (I tried to type in the commands, but every time I got blocked by cloud flare angry​, sorry)
    • ​Now create the junction: mklink /J "My DAZ Library" x:\My DAZ Library
    • ​That's it. Start DAZ again, now all content should be there again.

    ​Using this little trick, you can move your stuff around wherever you like. I suggest the same for the CMS main directory (c:\users\public\documents\Daz 3D) and the user library (c:\users\YourName\documents\My DAZ Library), which will also grow huge.

    ​If anything works, you can delete the original renamed library and - Tada! - a lot of diskspace on the root drive.

    One point is to be considered: If you use a magnetic hard drive and not an SSD, DAZ will run much slower! A Genesis 3 or 8 character loads a LOT of files, you will recognice the differnce. 

    ​P.S. : One word of warning: When using Window 10, the bigger updates, especialy "Falls creator update" can shred the public documents! When this happens, just recreate the links.

    Post edited by heiko_grossmann on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,882
    edited January 2018
    First of all, I do absolutly NOT suggest to change any path directly in DAZ Studio or CMS, leave it at the defaults! There are plugins and other stuff which are hard coded to the default path with no way to change it. Especialy FaceGen works only with defaults.

    Anything which is hard-coded to use the default paths shold be reproted as a possible bug - and, if need be, can be isntalled usign the defaults while other content uses the desired location. Certainly I have never had an issue, other than some of Alessandro's sets using the the default Documents/Daz 3D folder for settings (but even there they cope with the fact that my documents folder is on another drive). However, I don't own the FaceGen plug-in.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
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